khalid outs his feelings about the whole outing thing

Khalid speaking out after being outed,
and it’s clear that this hit deep.

truth is,
it doesn’t seem like khalid was ready to share his story.

that jackal decided to snatch that moment from him.
we can’t tell khalid how to feel in a situation like this.
i’m gonna repeat that font:

We can’t tell Khalid how to feel in a situation like this.

how you would handle it,
is different to how i would handle it,
and how he is handling it.
everyone processes things differently.

so khalid came out with a video to explain his side and…

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billy eichner blames the homophobic bros for not watching bros

i just figured out who billy eichner is!

He is that loud host on his Youtube show,
Billy on The Street

i was looking up mariah videos and came across him.
he was kinda…
but i realized he is the main star in “bros”.
billy thinks homophobia is the reason the movie bombed.
he tweeted this from his feelings…

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truth of dare: we want to see zednray (done?)

*The following entry is rated M.
Viewer discretion is strongly advised.

zednray continues to be an interesting couple but is on-brand with dating in 2021.
you know the #couplegoals of 2021.
taking cute pictures on socials,
traveling to exotic locations,
taking all the pictures/videos down,
launching subs in ig stories,
and then getting back together a few more times until dating ptsd is gained.
what makes zednray interesting are they are two proclaimed wolves doing this.
quiet as kept,
i just told one of the foxholers that i feel like zed is secretly giving ray a good pounding.
my foxy senses have been lowkey thinking that.
 look at The Universe because an f-bi sent in an alleged “truth or dare” video

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7/17/16 | close to 10pm you prepared for when things come to an end?
sometimes you get no warning.
it’s like being the best employee at your job,
and suddenly,
they call you into the office to let you know you’re fired.
all these thoughts go through your head…
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The Unofficial Confession To Confessing My Feelings To My Crush

tumblr_llgr1sI0YH1qf4gwdso it happened.
i took the advice of some of my readers.
i decided to lay all my feelings for work wolf on the table.
not exactly.
i made a confession to him tonight.
just hit the break and lets get into it…
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How To Have a Dog In His/Her Feels

tumblr_mlavocKhdf1qaruxco1_r2_500the story behind this following clip is the owner of this dog passed away.
well this was the outcome
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