Tag: dragged
i think kimberly elise is entitled to her opinion *runs outta foxhole*
i haven’t seen actress,
kimberly elise,
in years.
does she even still act?
the last thing i saw her in was hit the floor.
kimberly has become very christian over the years.
( x see an example here )
it looks like the bibe threw up all over her ig.
it’s giving “black housekeeper in get out“.
kimberly is getting dragged because of her opinions about roe v wade.
she posted this:
( x it comes with a song too )
and i was annoyed but then i realized something…
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we gotta start canceling people who out people.
it is absolutely disgusting and triggering.
daniel lee bellomy,
who plays zeke on powerbook 2,
was pressed over his sexuality on a random no-name podcast.
it was a very uncomfortable interview that went like this…
pardon her french but kamala harris is getting dragged
i just mentioned kamala harris and conjured her up.
have you ever noticed that in your real life?
someone that you mention on random and they do a pop-up somewhere?
i can see ghosts.
she has popped up because she’s getting dragged.
she decided to use a french accent while speaking to french scientists…
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fredo_llh shows us what light skin, muscular, tatted up, droppin’ jailbird dick privilege is like
when fredo aka fredo_llh made his debut on marvin bienaime a few years ago,
i had a feeling he was gonna pop.
he is the “light skin,
tatted up,
droppin’ jailbird dick” trope that tends to do well within the life.
as soon as he dropped an onlyfans,
he became the new “it wolf’ within many foxholes.
judging from his content,
it seems like there is nothing he won’t do for the bag.
i’m waiting for him to put the whole camera up his ass.
i think he done put his fingers in his mouth after posting this on twitter…
joseline woke up and chose violence and chaos for aunt wendy
i fucks with this picture.
joseline whole aura >
i have soft spot for joseline hernandez.
she is one of the veterans of the “lhh” franchise i started (and ended) that show with.
you can count on joseline to be unapologetically herself.
on another side of the coin,
you can expect aunt wendy (williams) to be the same as well.
they are both alpha vixens who are who they are.
So you know when it was time for them to have a discussion,
it may come to verbal blows at some point.
joseline woke up and chose violence and chaos yesterday.
 she appeared on “the wendy williams show” to promote her show,
“joseline’s cararet miami” on zeus,
and well…
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when the bison dragged her like they had beef for years
the horns and the face alone already got me giving it 100 feet.
this is coming from me in my living room.
i don’t know what it is about white folks and wild animals,
but they never learn to leave them alone.
they legit be minding their business and not looking for no trouble.
bisons seem to be having the best year ever with the karens.
this one had to play dead:
but this one ended up getting dragged so hard,
she was without her bottom half by the end of it…
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