i wonder if i woulda been straight like my daddy?

i pray that i’ve never provided anyone with any trauma out here.
we don’t realize the things we do can really fuck someone up.
they can carry that trauma with them for years,
crippling them from being the best versions of themselves.
on my birthday,

my daddy called me and we had a transparent conversation.
i wanted to hear his side of the story and i’ll be honest with you…

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a majority of males suffer from daddy issues and don’t even realize it

often times,
we hear about the term “daddy issues” being applied to vixens.
you’ll hear that a vixen sleeps because she is seeking validation due to her absent father.
often times,
she is drawn to emotionally unavailable males that are prone to abandoning her.
males usually have the stigma of having “mommy issues“,
but i’m starting to realize that males can suffer from both

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