Tag: accept
i want you to stop because you’re making things worse

Is it possible that chasing happiness is making us unhappy?
i had a revelation that feels like a total game changer.
ready for it?
cue the drum roll…
you aren’t there because you haven’t accepted here.
there are Foxholers who have stood by my side since the beginning.
many of them have picked up pom poms and cheered when i couldn’t.
they have been with me during the good and the bad.
i started a patreon and they signed up just to show their support.
that means a lot.
I continue to create content for them.
Even if it’s only 20 people,
you give those 20 people a hell of a show.
they have stood by my side since i started this platform.
when people talk about albums that got them through difficult times:
Foxholers have told me that I got them through hard times.
that’s a blessing i have tremendous gratitude for.
this is acceptance of my own power comes in…
Continue reading “you aren’t there because you haven’t accepted here.” →
you are never going to accept me so i surrender
I tried to be kind.
Didn’t work.
I tried to be a friend.
Didn’t work.
I tried to be straight.
Didn’t work.
I tried to be gay.
Didn’t work.
I will always be a fox trapped in a cage.
i learned very early that i will always be “a problem“.
i will always be picked apart and told to be like others to succeed.
others get to speak up for themselves but when i do it:
i was taught that i am the issue.
if i was just like all the other boys,
i’d be better.
i’d get to live a great life.
i would get all the likes and the comments.
i would be invited first.
i wouldn’t get talked about behind my back ever.
so what did i do?..
Continue reading “you are never going to accept me so i surrender” →
Please Accept Me
as of late,
i’ve started to realize something.
after this whole “michael sam” debacle,
what laverne cox said in that article yesterday,
and a comment jay left in the comment box,
i found what i wanted to say…
Continue reading “Please Accept Me” →
Your Parents May Know You Like Boys
…are ya?
your parents.
aren’t they scary?
i know for some of us,
the thought of telling them we like men makes you break out in hives.
after watching that episode of “being mary jane” last night,
i did not see that twist coming…
Continue reading “Your Parents May Know You Like Boys” →
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