dating? in 2020? for jamari fox? what is that you speak?

my anxiety is back in full force again.
i’m not sleeping through the whole night.
i’m waking up to throw up at like 4 or 5 am.
during another night of stomach issues,
i woke up with something on my mind.
it’s been on my mind for a while now.
after my hiv scare years ago,
i haven’t felt as comfortable to have random sex.
scrolling through dating and sex apps don’t excite me as they once did.
i don’t have many male gay friends to go out with.
i thought i met a poi i was 100% attracted to,
but he might be entertaining a vixen these days.
 i had to wonder...

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happy halloween v. 2020

i looked outside and the kids started trick or treating at 3pm.
i always thought was a “when the sun goes down” situation,
but things are different in this new normal.
2020’s halloween is hitting a little different.
what are my plans for my halloween?

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please add kanye west on the presidential ticket! we need more excitement!

is he still trying to do this?
we shall entertain it.
so kanye is asking to be written in as a candidate for the 2020 presidential race.
he released this video to help push you to get a pen and paper

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all the current surviving class of 2020, do you have high hopes for 2021?

i don’t mean to be a debbie downer,
but i don’t have faith in the rest of this year.
i can even say i don’t have much faith with 2021

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alone on labor day weekend

“Can you enjoy your own company?”

that was the question in a video i saw over the weekend.
so i spent 90% of my entire labor day weekend in the crib.
besides still being in a pandemic (or are we?),
the people i would spend this weekend with left new yawk.
the other set are down in brooklyn and i’m not taking the mta right now.
so it left me home,
as i’ve spent many days alone since march.
this is the last day of summer and being perfectly honest…

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it’s time to vote! it’s time to pray! (for trump? 2020?)

if i had to suffer,
everyone else will suffer too.
so my friends are mad at me for a text i sent them.
this is what its like to be friends on text messages with jamari fox.
so i was on my twitter timeline today,
minding my business,
and i saw everyone dragging the following.
it was a group of dorks who might parlay as a taylor swift cover band.
they wanted to welcome trump for his tone deaf rally in tulsa, oklahoma…

Continue reading “it’s time to vote! it’s time to pray! (for trump? 2020?)”