well the following story gets a whole alleged.
btw: i love when a scandal breaks,
i see “@insidejamarifox” in the comments.
the foxhole keeps me so alert.
its like the “bat signal”.
love ya.
anyway so you steven beck has been sloppy.
he use to be so lowkey about his.
with all the latest attention he has been getting,
i think he forgot how to move in silence.
you suppose to be the “g” in lasanga beck!
the instagram,
“industry on blast”,
dropped all his alleged business.
including how he been allegedly messing with some vixen’s husband.
i know.
i know.
lets get into what was said…
this is the alleged married wolf:
what a coinky dink.
i’ve always wanted some of darrell’s meat myself.
he looks like he would be a good “workout”.
steven posted this meme a few weeks ago:
…so i’m sure the attention is giving him a hard on.
rightfully so!
he has damn near done everything to be a star.
the “gay” rumors might just throw his ass into the spotlight.
hell if he works it right,
he can jump start the music career.
i was gonna say “get more clients” since he is an alleged escort,
but that would have been mean.
don’t look at me like that.
i’m learning to stop saying the first thing in my head.
i’m starting to think all these muscle bound wolves on ig have secrets.
all this posing and supreme vanity is looking like advertising.
hell someone are “personal trainers” with no kind of clientel.
they also leave a trail of who is getting or gotten some sex.
and all i have to say is…
…can a fox get in on this too?
i’d like to join the newsletter for some muscle pipe too.
preferably baller wolves tho.
lowkey: steven beck is the type of animal…
i wouldn’t want the forest to know we are cool in real life.
i mean low key dinners,
catchin’ a movies,
shoppin’ together,
and ridin’/suckin’ that dack on occasion.
i feel like if you stand next to him at a party or event,
everyone will assume the worse.
his brand is too “always available” for the public,
if that makes any sense.
am i wrong for thinking this?
pictures taken: instagram
AND CHILE this JUST IN, I HEARD he will be at Miami Sizzle. I hope he has CONDOMS. Big Condoms too for his BIG JUICY DICK, lol
Well chile He got a BIG ASS DICK and whoever he putting that THANG inside has got a LOOSE BOOTY walking around Atlanta because have yall seen his pipe. Damn its sooo big and he got a JUICY ASS too. I hope he has good hygiene because thats the only thing that would be a turn off about him.
hunny she a botton just like bolo heat n thosde fags on vivika foxd
Are you sure he’s a bottom with that big ass dick he got honey grrl because honey he got a BIG ASS DICK that will offset anyones WALLS chile but he is a light skinned so he might settle for someone eating his CAULIFLOWER CAKE out and plunging his DOOKY SHOOT, lol
Steve Beck is gay for sure. I know this for fact! I’ve slept with him several times and so has a friend of mine. When I met him he told me he was straight and he was uncomfortable training me. I told him he wasn’t my type we laughed and kept going… That turned into a friendship and next thing I know we are together, or so I thought. He was having sex with me, a friend of mine and his daughters mother before she was his daughters mother. She called my phone asking about him and I’m sitting there with him asking why she’s giving me the 3rd degree. She says well he’s my man and I’m pregnant. I didn’t do anything, kept it together. When he left I changed the locks, my number and canceled that gym membership.
LMAO! Damn!
How was the sex, how it start, does he eat ass, how was his tongue game, and who was top or bottom?
Was the sex PAINFUL? How did you take it all? I’ve seen how big and thick his INSTRUMENT is? How did you take it all. I hope for your sake you wasn’t the bottom?
At this point in social media, because there are soooo many of these attentionistos, everyone has to “up the ante” now. More shirtless pics, more semi-hard compression shorts pics, more “hard work and dedication” gym pics. All these guys are desperately vying for the attention that they think is going to take them over the top. One thing that they dont realize is the pics are nice to look at but once you seen one sexy pic, you’ve pretty much seen them all. Month after month, year after year you see these guys sell a little bit more of their souls for this attention. More skin, more shamelessness. Im sure you all can pretty much agree that they are all starting to look alike and blend in together. All are the pre-requisite muscle bound and covered in tats, and because like anything that is over saturated, the attention is starting to wane. We’ll start to see more naked pics and sex tapes leak over the next few years cause lets be honest, these guys live for the attention and god forbid the likes/follow start to fall off. Most hope it will lead to real fame but for most, they’ll never see the type of fame they are hoping twitter and ig will bring. Most dont realize the unless you land in Tyler Perry land, your chances are very slim because 1.) they are black which extremely limits your options in hollywood. 2.) You rarely if ever see their “type”of sexy (musclebound and cover in tats) in major roles. For black men, hollywood wants you to have a relatable approachable sexiness which unfortunately these guys do not possess. Outside of Herbalife, personal training, and secretly escorting, honestly, how many of these guys have “made it”? Pretty much none.
Thank you
Some of these male instagram stars are so obvious with the advertising especially these ones in fitness.
I don’t know much about Steven ,except for what I have read on this site,but did he say he was straight in an interview or something?He could be bisexual or his child’s mother could be a friend who wanted a child.One of my friends had a child with her gay best friend.They co parent the child.
Steven’s baby mama can see him hugged up with gay guys and attending pride events on IG so I really doubt she thinks he is straight.
As for the other females on IG, these women don’t care or they are clueless.I can’t tell you the hundreds of comments Jussie Smollett gets on Twitter and IG from thirsty females and he is openly gay.Some clueless females claim every other guy is gay yet they are in denial when it comes to the ones who are really gay.
I think it throws people off because he never really admitted and because he has a daughter… People act like gay people need to parade around with signs that their gay and that gay people can’t be a mother or father. Ive been in a few relationship with guys with kids. Tuh. wake up World. We around.
Yeah, sadly people still think that many gay men can’t or don’t have kids. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard the line…”he can’t be gay, he got kid(s)” How stupid are you?!
That’s the other thing that bothers me too…people expect you to be holding up a sign saying I like dick/ass or parading around like those two characters in heels on Real Housewives of Atlanta. GTFOH.
If this is true then damn. I’m not even going to lie I think Steven is a sexy ass dude and if I was around him I would try to get at him. I have mixed feelings because I feel bad that he got outed like this even though everyone says he is gay, but if he is messing with that married dude then that’s not cool. Steven also is in a relationship with a female so I guess he is confused or just doesn’t care.
@Eric..I agree with you. I think he is a VERY sexy dude and he could definitely get it!
If all of this is to be believed, and this isn’t just a bitter “B” trying to destroy a man’s life/career, it’s sad that he didn’t use better judgment when choosing to mess around with a married man. There are some lines that you do not cross, and if they were friends…it’s even more foul for EITHER OF THEM to do that. Darrell more so because he took a vow. There are times when you will find yourself in a position that will test your mettle or willpower, and you have to make a rational choice whether or not to cross a line. Those who don’t give a fuck, will cross that line without a second thought. Those who do, will not. Guess it comes down to the mentality of the person.
Personally, I don’t mess with people who are in relationships, married, on a “break” from their relationship (which usually means they’re still with the person but just out fucking around). Way too much baggage to deal with.
He is gay….I’ve hung out with him plenty of times in Hollywood and NYC…he would always let me grab his butt and touch his abs…he’s been gay…
The gay rumors have started? J where have you been? I doubt Beck is even camouflaged lol!
Yeah like everyone else said this isn’t news. EVERYONE knows if you want muscle trade in ATL you go stright to L.A Fitness in Atlantic station. Speaking of IDK if you saw another recent video Jacob did about a guy cruising him in the sauna at the gym….the guy he was talking about is iamtherealDP!!! It’s alleged that he also “sells’ there if he cant get a client to train. He is always in the shower lurking.
And oh yeah the real tea is the alleged sex tape with Beck taking pipe. It’s floating but it hasn’t hit the net yet. Or so I hear
What’s the title of that Jacob video?
I’m so confused as to why Steven Beck being gay is news. I could’ve told yall that. Some of these guys are hiding in plain sight. Like your whole group of friends are gay, whenever a city has something pride related going on you’re there, but you expect me to believe you’re straight. Riiiight.
I agree, I’ve been following him of IG for a while and what im trying to figure out is why is this news! DUH he’s always been out, just go take a look at his IG trust me! im so confused lol I thought this shit has always been known
I always thought mr.beck was out because whenever I see or Hear about him he’s at a gay event or hugged up on men. For all we know he could be loving this, his name has been gaining spotlight recently, I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens from this.
I truly believe that MOST of those Herbalife and fake personal trainers are selling dick and ass on the low. They are always showing off their egg plants in those tight compression shorts (i’m not complaining tho lol) acting like they are trying to get new clients, and they know its mostly men following. I dont trust these pineapples at all!
^Exactly!! Case in point…these two recent entries! Claiming to be straight but shaking their ass and dicks in guys faces at gay clubs! GTFOH with that mess! LOL
Call me Petty LePew but I love it when attention whores get knocked back into reality.
You can’t be an attention whore and expect your skeletons to stay in the closet.
I’m not fooled by any of these Instagram celebrities like I used to be.
Ain’t no workout plans bihhh, you out here laying it low and spreading it wide for money, clothes, and trips. That’s your prerogative, but don’t front like you’re successful!
The sad part is the misguided ass gay community puts men like this on a pedestal because they look good, while ignoring the men out here starting their own businesses and giving back.
Believe it or not, some women are clueless Steven Beck and these other Instagram dudes swings both ways, as evidenced by their thirsty comments under their pics.
You better drag these heffers! These thirst buckets got the game f*cked up.
This is nothing new!!! Steven has always been out in the Atl gay scene. The kids love him.
I’m just glad it with another black man even tho he’s married.
Why are you glad it’s with a black man? What would’ve been wrong with a man of any other color?
I don’t know how dudes can live with themselves knowing that they’re creating a life where they’re deceiving a woman for the long-run, especially if that woman is their child’s mother. It’s just kinda effed up to me. I don’t see an issue with bi dudes being in a relationship with a woman, BUT when you’re cheating with a lot of dudes on the side behind her back that’s where I personally can’t get past. A lot of these ninjas don’t use protection too. People want their cake & want to eat it too I guess.. But when it all comes crashing down like a ton of bricks you better be prepared for the results
Disclaimer! Before y’all try to get me lol.
Moral of the story: This post was about cheating on your S/O. My post wasn’t about Beck because he seems to be single so he could sleep with whomever he pleases, it was about the other married dude & other men/women who are doing the same thing as him.
obviously steven beck cannot trust the people in his circle.
no way all this should be getting out about him.
he needs to trim the fat.
@Jamari…wasn’t he linked to both Kellon (your fave) and Derek Tramel at one point?
yeah i guess the dated once or something he is his” personal trainer”
now that WORKOUT TOUR that they are together makes a WHOLE lot of sense now… but we all knew Steven and company are GHEY… remember when we was trying to be a singer and posed in Playgirl…
this now TEW MUCH tea
It seemed to start all unraveling after they made that appearance at Vegas Pride earlier this year during Spring Break. Like I have always said, when you are put on a pedestal, the fall is much harder than when you are still on the ground. He actually seems to be a cool dude, but it is some vicious people out here who have a problem when men play for both teams, they always wanna make you pic and choose as a man, unlike a female who can have it both ways and no one bats an eyelash. I have seen Instagram break down even the most so called hardcore Str8 trainers, models etc. When you start to see more and more pics of these dudes in their draws showing their eggplants, you know they have been snatched to the dark side of attention whoredom. So many dudes, Mr. Beck included seemed to always say, you need to work hard to achieve your dreams and seemed to be living this fabulous life because of all their hard work and effort, but not telling the whole story of how they use their bodies to get what they want no matter if its from a male or female. It is very expensive to maintain a hot body with all the food and supplements that you must buy and lets not forget about all the time you have to invest in the gym. If you work at any job that requires the least bit of mental effort, it is going to take great sacrifice to go to the gym after being beat up at work daily, and if you are in a relationship its even more sacrifice because you are not going to have time for another person because when you work and go to the gym, all you crave after that is sleep. Most of these dudes are hustling their bodies to survive. I ran into this dude I follow on the Gram, dancing in a gay nightclub, when I introduce myself and called him by his IG name, he was liked shocked and begged me not to say anything to anybody about who he was. I was like really, pineapple, I dont think nobody care that you are dancing in Gay club, because you are Gay, even though he tried everything in the book to convince me, he was just dancing to buy protein powder and supplements. He then went on to ask me, if I knew anyone who was hiring because he needs a real job. Now mind you, he is always on the Gram like the rest of these attentionistas, spewing all these quotes and documenting their every move in the gym. He had the body of a Greek God, but clearly he was a mess. Looks like Beck has been able to move into the right circles to get in the spotlight, but he is going to learn, that sometimes, that light is really hot.
^i love t.
always look forward to your comments.
Word Tajan!
Wow, love this post btw
Name him Tajan!!! Lmao I bet I know who he is!
Who’s twerking that ass for creatine?!
@Jay….maybe he’s talking about Borrelljr or Maravilla! LOL
*Slow claps* Well said my brother!
That page was going in on Trey Songz, The Game, Mario etc. for all allegedly being gay. I unfollowed it after an hour
But… I thought Steven was out? (shrug)
Ur right he’s been out up until last year he was at every gay pride especially sizzle bc he was fuckin every which way but loose
It use to be people go to the gym for health now it’s just a hangout spot for all the dudes everybody taking pictures in the mirror I’m not impressed with all the muscles and I be feeling bad for the wives cause I would be hurt if my ace Boone was at the gym all the time with men I don’t always believe rumors but this one right here might be true I see this at the gym a lot
Well, in the words of Village People, “It’s fun to stay in the *does the dance* Y-M-C-A!*” I mean gyms, bathhouses, locker rooms, bathrooms, showers. DL men love to be discrete for sexual fun and excitement! So for Steven, he’s cool where he is as long as a messy queen don’t expose his business (as usual)
What a mess. SMH. People need to get their shit together. I just can’t with these dudes nowadays. People doing things on the low (so they think) and leaving crumbs behind lol.
^i love this line:
“People doing things on the low (so they think) and leaving crumbs behind lol.”