i have been listening to “25” non stop since it came out.
its like i’ll hear one song and have it on repeat for a few hours.
right now,
i’m killin’ “send my love (to your new lover)”.
i’m actually impressed with adele tho.
she knows the art of going away.
she lets her public miss her.
she also has a fan base who buys her music.
she doesn’t do what the others vixens do.
always having to supply attention out of insecurity.
she is a very private person and lets her music speak to you.
i guess thats why she sold ( x 3.5 million albums ) this week.
it also helped she didn’t allow any streaming.
so while other stan bases are fuming,
and having online temper tantrums,
i guess this means she gets the…
i like the other vixens,
but i gotta give props to where props are due.
she did that and deserves her crown.
and no…
this is not a “support white artist” agenda.
its always been about the music for me.
black or white.
music has to hit me emotionally for me to be so invested.
she always manages to do that for me.
i have been having some good therapy with her album.
now comparing her to ( x whitney houston )….let “adele” be “adele” and “whitney” be “whitney”.
is that okay media?
i won’t stand for that nonsense.
lowkey: i love this performance she did with jimmy fallon and the roots:
…and who the hell made this?
Send My love, Sweet Devotion and I miss you send me ova!
If we had a single queen, it’ll always be Whitney. Her elegance, beauty, and voice were once in a lifetime. So effortless and natural.
Okay I went and bought this today and have 3 songs that are exclusive to Target and I can say I am not moved at all. It is raining and cold where I am at and listening to this will just make me feel worse since I cant get out and hit the streets tonight. I also got this artist who I have never heard of tonight based on a song I heard of her on satellite radio when I was traveling out of town yesterday name Judith Hill, I am actually feeling her music more than Adele. I just realized that I got all of Adele’s music and I never listen to it. She is an awesome talent but she just does nothing for me as far as making me want to listen to her again and again.
I just want good old R&B music to come back strip of this auto-tune crap and bad lyrics. Urban radio literally makes me sick to my stomach, I can not listen to it at all, it all sounds like one bad Drake, Chris Brown, Weekend, Nicki Minaj mashup. Somebody please just bring back the singers who can hit high and low notes and sing to real instruments.
Jay they may be Chitlin Circuit artist but their damn ticket prices are mainstream LoL. Jasmine, Ledisi, Fantasia, Anthony Hamilton, Leela James, Raheem DaVaughn and countless others are not going to be big superstars in the pop market but they are all damn good performers who have built up their fan bases to always have a loyal following to pay the rent. I know it must be disheartening to be able to sing rings around these singers and performers who are selling out arena’s and stadiums and getting their music played but when Black folks love you as a performer you will be okay just ask Maze.
Tajan…you hit the nail on the head. I want good R&B music to come back as well! That is why I’mm always listening to old school R&B and 90’s R&B. This raunchy, whack shyt they TRY to call R&B nowadays…they can keep it! Don’t care for Drake. Can’t stand Nicki Minaj…I think she is talentless.
The Weeknd is ok. Chris Brown is hit or miss. It’s been more misses lately though. LOL
25 is decent. ‘Send My Love’ and ‘I Miss You’ are my favorites because they’re different for Adele. And I absolutely adore the production on both tracks. All of the other songs kind of blend together. I have to give it a more thorough listen.
In addition, I absolutely LOVE Jazmine Sullivan so I won’t take any slander about her lol. What people are failing to realize is that R&B is having an extremely hard time (especially R&B sung by Black artists). R&B tinged songs by Adele, Sam Smith, Justin Timberlake, etc. can be sent to all radio formats and be successful whereas music by Jazmine Sullivan and even legends like Usher and Janet Jackson have an extremely hard time catching on, especially considering the fact that there aren’t a ton of R&B radio stations anymore (and radio lacks variety). Also, people tend to think R&B is limited to people like The Weeknd, Drake, and Nicki Minaj for whatever reason.
Jamari, look at K. Michelle’s new album title and the reason why she named it that and it can give you some insight into why Black R&B artists have such a hard time.
I can guarantee if some executive came to Ledisi and said “we want to take you mainstream, give you ample promotion, etc” she’d be difficult every step of the way.
I call them chitlin circuit artists. They want to be passive aggressive on twitter come awards season though lol
Lauryn Hill was mainstream. Erykah Badu was mainstream. Both are VERY unique artists so put that into perspective. They knew how to compromise to reach a broader audience and still kept their music authentic.
Lauryn Hill and Erykah Badu are great examples of how to stand out, be marketable, and be talented without selling out. Both put out quality content. They deserve more praise. Artists like those two need to be what’s proliferated on the radios etc. Maybe its just my particular taste, but Beyonce, Taylor etc. just don’t compare to artists like Lauryn Hill IMO so I don’t get the queen references that some make at all. Not seeing it. Lauryn Hill set the bar, Whitney set the bar. Taylor and Beyonce? Eh, not as much. they’re lukewarm for me.
I say that to say, I agree with this point.
Keep in mind though that Lauryn went through hell with her label while completing the Miseducation album.
Remember, they wanted her to abort her son because the CD took off into the stratosphere.
Going mainstream ruined Erykah Badu. Once she became mainstream that uniqueness that was Erykah took a crazy turn. Her music suffered as a result.
Omg, I heard she went through a lot with the label, but i never heard what happened!
*Runs to wikipedia and other sources*
Oh wow! Isn’t one of her songs “To Zion” dedicated to her son? Jeez, this woman was authentic to the core, she didn’t care if people thought she was crazy! Even though evidence suggests she might have went off the deep end a little, I think it’s clear she’s still a genius!
Yes, “To Zion” was dedicated to her first-born. However, it was shortly after that when she began her descent into madness. Between dealing with the label and both Wyclef and Rohan Marly, she was a mess. The label naturally wanted another Miseducation, but she wanted to go a different route, and look what happened. She disappeared for a minute, popped back on the scene with a few more kids, did some disastrous live performances, and disappeared again. She was recently featured on a tribute album to Nina Simone, and she did a slammin’ rendition of “Feeling Good”. Interestingly enough, Jazmine Sullivan was on that CD as well, and she had some good renditions also.
so why are artist like jazmine sullivan and even ledisi overlooked?
they can sing just as good,
if not better,
than most?
why are they not as successful as the beys and adeles?
This is what I’m trying to point out. Apparently, its not enough to just be a good singer, you have to be able to dazzle and captivate your audience. Adele is lucky enough that her music alone does that for her. She’s memorable, Beyonce is also memorable and for different reasons. Jaz and ledisi are good artists, but fade in comparison. they may be different, but don’t stand out.
^adele also has a gimmick.
her music is break up songs that put you in your feelings.
she is also really humble and relate-able.
you are right about not standing out.
I don’t get the hype with Ledisi.
Most of those artists associate a wider audience with losing authenticity or selling out. They think by playing smaller venues and making albums “for themselves” make them more authentic.
Whatever! They just need not be salty when Adele, Beyoncé, and Rihanna are selling albums and winning awards, while they aren’t even nominated because they make music for everyone!
Jazmine Sullivan actually has good music, but she needs an image overhaul and better promotion. Her image was much more controlled on her first album than the ones after so someone dropped the ball or she wasn’t on board.
^wow jay that actually made a lot of sense.
“Most of those artists associate a wider audience with losing authenticity or selling out. They think by playing smaller venues and making albums “for themselves” make them more authentic.”
jazmine has good music,
but her albums tend to be all over the place.
they aren’t always cohesive.
i did like “reality show” tho.
i know im really particular about music, but Jaz just doesn’t “reach” me. A good artist, but I find her boring! Idk why! Maybe others feel the same about her?
The same way you feel about Jasmine Sullivan is the same way I feel about Ledisi. Ledisi was carving her own unique lane but then the major label got to her and she seems all over the place. This last release was a perfect example. The “studio” version was lukewarm but the acoustic version that was re-released was 10x better. Jasmine, for some reason, I just can’t get into. When she came to town, all the younguns were going to see her but I passed…
Actually Jay, Jazmine wasn’t on board. The label wanted her to switch up her style and lose a little weight…but she wasn’t having it, so she took some “time off” and then came back with “Reality Show”, which had a few songs on it that I liked.
I don’t know why people are still coming for Taylor Swift.
The girl has improved my leaps and bounds with her material, style, and performances.
There’s never even been a mention of her being a diva when as of now she has the receipts to act that way.
Meanwhile, I’m convinced Rihanna has finally hit a wall lol
Because Taylor Swift is over-hyped. She’s a solid artist but people are acting like she’s revolutionary. She’s good, but it’s not that serious. I won’t say she doesn’t deserve any recognition, she’s a good artist, writes her own music and lives her life respectfully, but people gas her up at nauseum. It’s old.
She’s exhibited more talent than most of the other pop stars that have come before her.
Britney Spears mainly.
I think she’s actually raised the bar. Going pop was a genius move for her being that she brought a lot of mainstream interest into country music.
I’m not a stan by any means, but most white artists are overhyped.
^yeah rihanna is a little lost out here.
You know she’s shook because she’s already advertising a tour before she’s even released a successful single. Basically trying to sell on her name alone.
I feel like her whole album is going to feature B-List rappers like Young Thug and Travis Scott with nothing but songs that make you want to sit around and get high.
^you are absolutely right.
she seems like she isn’t being guided at this moment.
plus i hear ye is producing her album and they are bumping heads.
i hope she brings it because she seems stalled.
Can’t count her out yet, J!! She always comes out with a hit.
Completely agree 100%. People complain about her singing about her exes but ain’t no one trying to call out these rappers singing about strippers, having more money than the next person, and catching bodies OVER AND OVER. Like BYE!
I didn’t like Taylor at first, but she grew on me. Some of her songs are catchy and I like them, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. I REALLY like her song, “Style”. It was different for her, and that made me like it even more. It was like a “dark” Taylor Swift and not that “bubble-gum” princess any longer.
Ok Jamari, now that I’ve listened to 25 multiple times, I can honestly say it’s not as good as 21.
You can literally let 21 play alllll the way through, where as some songs on 25 sound the same and could’ve been left off in favor of something better.
“Remedy” and “Miss You” and “All I Ask” are my favorites but “Hello” and “Love you in dark” and “water under the bridge” are way too similar.
It’ll be interesting to see what her singles will be. I’m assuming “When we were young” will be the next one. I can’t see a third or fourth successful single though. She’s sold enough albums where that doesn’t really matter anyway though
^i can see what you saying jay.
i dunno,
but the album has me hooked for whatever reason.
i think if you mix it with her entire collection,
it actually flows with her older material.
im listening to “19” now and im amazed how this album is my whole situation with ww.
ill give 25 a break and go back to 19.
Jay…I felt the same way. It’s nowhere near as good as 21, which I can play all the way through, without skipping a track. I really like Hello…but it’s getting way too much airplay and that makes me hate a song. LOL
She lacks versatility for me
Love her, her musicdoes all the talking for her, she doesn’t do anything but stand there and open up her mouth and slays. There is no need for us to compare any of these artists, they all do their own thing and I listen to them all for different reasons.
P.S. Whitney Houston =
I’ve listened to 25 but it doesn’t have the same impact on me like 21 did. Maybe because it was speaking to so many people at a time in their life. Set Fire To The Rain was like a theme song for me, it mirrored EXACTLY what I was going through with my ex. I listen to that disc from start to finish every time I listen to it, but on this one there are only a few songs on it that have caught my ear.
I had a feeling that would be the case, but I was hopeful nonetheless.
^what was the meaning behind “set fire to the rain”?
care for a quick break down c?
Basically, you believe everything that the person you loved tells you, even when you know it’s a lie. You’re being played.
The part that hurts most in the chorus is when she says, “there’s a side to you I never knew, never knew”
Damn those words rang true!
I think 25 is a good album, but I’ve only been able to listen to it once. It was too damn sad and boring. It might have to sit in the collection for a rainy day (literally). I still have a lot of respect for Adele though. Like y’all said, she knows how to let her music speak for itself.
I smiled right through that performance
In my opinion Adele took some pointers from Sade. Keep your life private, go away for a moment, and let everyone just hear your voice….. Being mysterious and simple speaks louder than constantly exposing yourself
And humble
Sade is timeless love her.
Whoa whoa, back it up. I think we’re forgetting why Beyonce is a queen here.
Beyonce has managed to stay relevant much longer. She’s switched up her style of music plenty while Adele is still the same sound. Beyonce has also had a wonderful image all this time. Then she did all this being a black woman, already at a disadvantage.
Not going to lie, I love me some Adele. She’s not replacing the queen though, too early for all that.
Adele and Beyonce are completely different artists. No need to compare them. Adele is all about raw talent while Beyonce is a top performer, they’re in their respective lanes.
If we are going to compare them, then it depends on what you’re comparing. Adele makes better music hands down (lyrics, emotion, vocal talent, impact), while Beyonce is a better performer, if not one of the best performers out there currently. She’s captivating to watch and has captivated the attn of many for almost 2 decades. That does say a lot.
I personally don’t think Beyonce deserves a universal title of “queen” maybe queen of image if anything, but it’s more subject to opinion as opposed to it being a fact. She’s good when she’s good and her career moves are impressive, but her music doesn’t do what Adele’s does, and Adele can’t do what Beyonce does, so comparing them is pointless. They both can sellout a concert though! I won’t take that from either of them.
Sia, Whitney, and other artists that can stand there and take your breath away with just their voices are the only people Adele should be compared to, and even then they are still very different artists.. By comparison, Whitney is still the “queen” of that demographic arguably, but Whitney is still in the league of other big ballad singers. Adele, isn’t quite there yet, but she could probably get there.
Beyonce can be compared to the likes of: MJ, Tina Turner, etc. ( not saying she’s as good or worse than them,but they were in the same lane)
They aren’t and shouldn’t be competing with each other. They’re too different.
I don’t know about Adele making better music, I will agree her vocals are better though. My thing with Adele is she’s had a single sound, and that’s the “sad breakup” music. I want to see if Adele is capable of switching up and still being this amazing. Beyonce is one of the few that has done a bit of everything and still here.
Though I see where you’re coming from with them both being in different lanes. There’s no way to compare them accurately.
Beyonce will always be queen. She is a jack of all trades. These other singer heffers could never.
I disagree, She could do a be a jack of all trades, but a master of none, except for perhaps performing, in which in her case, just a master of one. And what exactly is she queen of? Pop? Music? performing? dancing? She’s good at some or even most of these things, but not THAT good. She has her lane, but I don’t see what she is queen of. Sorry.
Finally, the masses are praising someone who deserves praise. I’m tired of hearing about Taylor Swift and the like who are just “okay at best” with corny and mediocre music being proliferated all over the radio, and every acting like they’re “so talented”. smh.
It’s about time. Go Adele!
Somebody should tell Beyonce that! LOL
^those are the main ones having a melt down.
i guess they can’t throw adele under the bus like the other chicks lol
I guess, no one can congratulate any female artist without someone tryna take a shot at Beyonce while their at it, huh lol. Let that woman live.
Siir Devon…Not saying anything that isn’t true. When you’re in the spotlight so much, people get tired of you…real fast! I like Beyonce’s first three albums, but after that…her music took a serious turn towards the worst. She let the freak out for real! Now that she got it out of her system, I hope, perhaps she can take some time off and get back to the QUALITY material that we know she is capable of putting out!!
LMAO @ that .gif…
WTG Adele! She did the damn thing! You have to give props where props are due! She really wrecked it! Others should learn from her. GO AWAY!!!! Let us marinate on your really good music for 4-5 years, then hit us with another collection of GEMS. That’s all…