so i was supposed to be in an online movie screening atm

There are days when you can’t help but feel like the devil is testing you.
Today was one of those days.

picture this:
i’m all dressed up,
ready for a paid online movie screening i’ve been excited about all week.

i did an NDA for it and everything’s set except,
the invite….

as the minutes ticked by and the screening was supposed to start,
i realized something was off.

No invite
No nothing

fifteen minutes later,
i finally shoot an email to the company,
only to be told i wasn’t confirmed because i didn’t do some tech test.

Excuse me?
What tech test?

That email never made its way to my inbox.

my first instinct was to go DND and shut the world out for the night,
but then i thought:

Why am I punishing everyone else for this mess?

it’s not fair and it’s definitely not necessary.
i’m disappointed,

…but i like to think maybe these things happen for a reason.
it sucks right now but it’ll be for the best later.

4 thoughts on “so i was supposed to be in an online movie screening atm

  1. I’m glad you found the perspective in this. I know it sucks but I am sure it will get better. It always does.

  2. I signed up for one of movie screenings and the tech test was something I had to schedule as well. My previous experiences they didn’t do all that so I was shocked as well. Its kind of on them because if you aren’t told to look for an email about that of course you’ll miss it but I also get not letting it sweat you.

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