“naomi campbell”
“a 90s mariah carey”
” a latina mimi faust from lhhatl”
this is what i was thinking when i started watching “pose” on fx.
those are who the vixens reminded me of.
soooooo from the foxhole,
to my home vixen i call “pose”,
and even joe budden of all straight wolves:
…has been talking/telling me about the show.
i was pretty much finished with all my other programs,
so i said why not?
i will admit that i was hesitant because of the previews.
i’m started watching but…
…i realllllllllllllly like this show.
i’m only on episode 4,
but i’m into it.
the show is deeper than what i saw in the previews.
it has heart and deals with a lot of gay issues head on,
even if most of us are not in the ball/house scene.
that is what i thought the show would be about,
but clearly i was wrong and can admit that.
the show is brought to you by ryan murphy,
who pretty much runs all the good programming on fx.
it centers around the new yawk house and ballroom scene in the late 80s,
but it also has topics about:
how serious the aids epidemic was in the 80s
abandonment by parents for being gay
the ins and outs of being the side piece to a bisexual male
one thing that stands out to me tho is “family”.
for many of us in this life,
we tend to walk alone unlike our straight counterparts.
it can be a very lonely life that only brings companionship during sex.
sex and the occasional partying.
this is a life that doesn’t guarantee a family that accepts us.
if you have that,
you’re extremely lucky.
i love the concept of being taken in by a “motha“.
and even electra,
provide that for those underneath them.
speaking of,
blanca is my favorite character.
she exudes such positive energy and i love seeing her on screen.
you can see the pain and emotion all over her face in her scenes.
aside from angel,
she’s one of the characters that stands out to me the most.
so yeah,
i’m really digging “pose” foxhole.
i know it might not be for some,
but i’ve learned that everyone in these forests has a story to tell.
the gays
the trans vixens
the lesbians
the straights
the dls
the curious and confused
good tv has a way of telling those stories to us.
it shows the true depth of your character when can accept that,
step out of your world,
and embrace something completely different than what you’re use to.
it may turn you off further or you may end up really liking it.
the best part is you’ll learn something new.
“pose” has been renewed for a season 2,
but you can catch up: here
lowkey: it’s interesting the amount of straight wolves watching this show.
secretly or not.
My favorite new show of the year.
Jamari I’m glad you’re watching it. When I saw the previews I wasn’t going to watch, but something told to give it a shot and I did. It’s an amazing show and I absolutely love how their digging deep into this with telling different stories. I always knew the 1980s was devastating for gay men, but watching it and seeing the stories had me in tears. A lot of men died young. I just couldn’t imagine being in my prime in the 1980s and the AIDS Epidemic comes through and wipe out a community. Jamari I think a good idea for you would be to interview a gay guy in the age range from late 40s to early 60s who was on the scene around and tell us about their experience around that time.
Fashionably late to the party, but welcome!!! LOL….I love the show. I know quite a few that havent seen it because they dont have cable.
Pose is everything!! It should be required watching for everyone.The ballroom scene is really just the framework for a much larger dynamic within this series. It shows the young gays what our culture was like 30 years ago and the devastating impact and onset of the aids epidemic. It shows the straights where all the “gay lingo” they love to use comes from. AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE MUSIC!!! Ive always had an affinity for 80s/90s R&B and this show highlights it so amazingly well. The music harkens back to a time when going out was all about having a good time. You could get lost in the music and dance all night. This show has the largest representation of trans actors in history and for that FX should be commended. Representation matters. We rarely get to the the black gay experience on network tv so I encourage everyone to watch this show because if it goes away, theres no telling when we’ll see ourselves this nuanced, layered, and dimensional on tv again.
The timing could be no better, everybody is looking for sometime interesting to watch, “yes” we’re being recognized mainstream!!! Jamari put that New York accent for the word “Motha, Motha, Motha”. I just waiting to see if ppl like Kelly Mizrahi from “Ball Room Throw Backs” will make cameo. the acting is top and I hope these ppl get an Oscar at that. The cinematography and, setting magnificent. Electra doing that Naomi so so good! Ricky and Damon is what we dream of and I am sure many of us our looking for these characters, finally. I’m glad Joe Budden is taking interest to see these more to the gay agenda. Some Youtube series take a note especially with all that sex is not necessary.
^the one time i tried to be proper
8 episodes, i tell you. What the hell am I supposed to do for a whole year???
The show is amazing
Jamari I am ashamed of you! You are tardy to the party!
^fashionably late
Loveeeeee this show! Can’t wait for season 2