so i was seeing commercials for a new show on we tv called,
“match made in heaven”.
i didn’t know WHERE we tv was,
but i saw pecs and knew i was going to bust out my channel guide.
from what i gathered,
it was a bachelor type show with a black baller wolf as the lead.
i also thought it was kerry rhodes.
well the show premiered last week and wellllllllllllllllllll….
can we talk about this baller wolf named shawn bullard?…
…cue me testifying to jesus!
i have sinned with my thoughts and would like to be punished.
so i had to get RIGHT into his dossier:
resides: philly
height: just right
weight: perfect
position: owner of several successful companies:
real estate
hair salon
college: temple university
degree: bachelor of science in sports and recreation
minor in tourism and hospitality
strongest features: lips, chest, and damn near everything
lets get into his visuals:
i can’t take it.
i seriously can’t.
he also had a quick appearance as to be a pre-baller wolf:
…which brought him to the nfl for another quick appearance.
so i ask:
he looks amazing on paper.
is he a simpish mama’s boy?
does that pastor on the show also come with his package?
well before everyone gets excited,
its reported on “straight from the a” he is creeping with:
now i like her,
but get her out of here!
i’m hating.
i guess she will appear on the show as the twist?
these pictures were from last november.
either way,
i’ll be tuned in to his show.
you can as well every wednesday on we tv at 8pm.
lowkey: asides from being “yes gawd”,
i actually love successful and powerful baller wolves.
they can def teach an aspiring fox the way towards his own greatness.
its always good to have successful friends in all roles.
you never know when you’ll need a reference.
pictures and video credit: instagram | straight from the a
visit “match made in heaven”: website
I watched some of the show and it didn’t seem to catch my attention either. I think who ever set up the show to get too know the women who he was suppose to be introduced to did a sloppy job. First of all, to many women and secondly they all were like prey on something dead, and thirdly it should have not been I say maybe five at most or seven of then he could have spent a day with each one of them to
And like clockwork, MTO has stolen this story.
I bet they didn’t source either.
lmfao This is super juicy!
Very interesting that almost all the positive reviews were posted after it was announced he was on the show.Coincidence?
I am literally falling over LMAO, the foxhole FBI does not play. All I can say is DAMN. You all dont mind putting a fake baller all the way on BLAST! I am asking myself is this a result of social media, it use to be that fake ass people would only be known among the locals, but with this platform I guess they can take their shenanigans to whole new levels. This leads me to believe that all of these pretty people on the Gram including the trainers, models, actors etc are all just living one big ass fake ass lie. Of course we always give attractive people the benefit of the doubt because they look the part. I have a homeboy who has a new car, new townhome, lots of muscles who foxes love who last month ask me to help him keep his lights on and now his ass is avoiding me, heard from a mutual friend this pineapple is out taking foxes out wining and dining but wont pay me my damn money. I’m not even tripping though, because people like this always get their just desert in due time. Mr. Bullard is gone learn soon enough about his past when he logs onto to Bossip and Mediatakout, and see all of his dirt on the front page.
I’ll leave this here. He is notorious for his ways in Philly!
Why y’all doing this to him? lol I didn’t want to know all this. He still fine tho.
Claudia Jordan is a professional beard. Every man she is attached to is usualLy gay or bisexual. Just a drop of tea.
^ya know i’ve heard this a couple times…
A drop? More like the whole damn cup. That is some new info to me.
I work in luxury real estate sales in Atlanta (Home of the Fake Ballers) and have learned to spot a bullshitter from a mile away.This guy is a bullshitter. I’m not saying he doesn’t have “something” going on for himself, but I’m not buying what he’s selling.
See below what a 4 minute Google search pulled up on this guy:
1. Claims to be a multimillionaire real estate developer but has no license. Red Flag! He has no professional license registered on the Pennsylvania Department of State’s website.
2. His property management website looks thrown together and full of stock photos. My nosy ass called the number listed and on the website. It has a bootleg greeting that doesn’t even name the company. Just “Leave a message.” The lease application on his website is a Word document with old tenants’ info from 2011 listed on it.
2. What is the name of his restaurant he “owns” and can you point me to a Yelp review?
3. He constantly names how much things cost on his Instagram. Pay attention. Legitimate people with money do not do that. Only people who want to make you think they have money do this.
I can’t tell you how many “celebrities” in Atlanta I’ve met that look like ballers on the ‘Gram; but in real life, their cars are leased, clothes are loaned, condos are rented in their little cousin’s name because their credit is fucked up, etc.
good sniffin’!!!!!
I wanted to roll my eyes, but I couldn’t help but to be turned on.
But that show looks soooooo tacky…..he is not enough to have me tune in.
Damn he’s thickalicious. The only problem is that he’s str8
if he was bisexual then I could handle it.
I hope he is dealing with Claudia. I like her!! and he is fine as hell!! big ole muscular body, damn!!
he seems to have a ton of ratchets on that show.
i would deal with claudia personally.
He fine af man. I can’t get the show here.
Claudia was spotted wearing an engagement ring when she was at his Q&A for the show. Claudia denies that she engaged to him and they are just friends. Those pics above are after the show was filmed, but if the rumors are true, they have to keep it on the hush for the sake of the outcome of the show.
i’m happy for her.
Where can I get that girl’s job, oiling his bawdy? I want to be a professionally Wolf/Fox body Oilier! lol
i find it funny that since ive stopped pleasuring myself,
all these fine wolves have started poppin up out of nowhere.