these wolves are serious about their gym time!
so mma wolf,
anthony johnson,
had a few thoughts about a vixen today.
allegedly she was doing yoga too close to the weights in the gym.
someone call the police!
well he got on his facebook and this happened…
did he have to do her like that?
he violated.
she won’t be going to that gym ever again!
he ended up issuing an apology:
since he can probably,
no could,
beat my ass…
i will say:
good job!
…and keep it moving.
screenshots: facebook
This guy has nude pics over on a swingers site based out of Florida.
I guess he kinda has a point but his comments on SM were so tacky and uncalled for. Personally, if she pays to go to that gym, she can do yoga where she pleases. I wouldn’t suggest being in the free weight area but the Roid-Rangers need to chill out.
He didn’t have to insult her like that though.
“Body built like dry dog food?” “Tummy look like a clay dirt road.” So we’re not gonna talk about how your head is shaped like an egg or the fact that you’re as ugly as a resident evil zombie who wants to look good. I don’t know this Anthony Johnson fellow, but his insults are that of a 15 year old boy who wants to be a man at a young age. I’ve heard worse and they come from drag queens. *flicks fan*
Omg!!!! U went Phaedra Parks on his ass damn it man lol! He just seems like an an ugly mothafucka who feels like he has arrived so now he associates himself with the beautiful people because he’s a ugly mothafucka who by default is a part of the incrowd so now he’s on his high horse he brought his way into the incrowd lol!
But he does have a valid point about not stretching in a weight room because most weight room are crowded enough and sweaty, ewww. But to be positioning is a bit distracting and annoying.
All of that was not even necessary…at all. SMH. It wasn’t that deep. These gym dudes…I can’t.
Roid rage is real people.
I hate shitheads like him that act like they own the gym just because they have no real job and can stay their all day everyday. Get a life bro!
Everyone pays the same gym membership and can do whatever they want essentially unless the gym says otherwise.
Go open your own gym.
#GymProblems lol. Some fool today left his jacket on the Decline bench and went over to the power rack to do squats. I wanted to use the bench as well to do decline presses so I was about to go off on him until we caught eye contact and he came over to take his jacket. There should be some simple unwritten gym etiquette that people should know. If your broke self could pay for a membership then surely you damn well could save some change for a damn locker smh.
LOL! Well then!
Dead @ “Built like a bag of dry dog food” and ” your tummy looks like an old country red clay dirt road” lmfao the creativity in that is inspiring! *adding those insults to the archives*.
And there is no point in apologizing after something like that. Calling a woman ugly, fat, and a dry bag of dog food (lmfao) is not an accident, so why apologize? If you’re going to be that bold and say something that aggressive then just own it. You meant what you said, now deal with the consequences for putting it on a public platform, or next time, just don’t put it on social media. Apologies are worthless, and I hate people who back-pedal so blatantly. Its so disingenuous and self-serving. That’s not being apologetic.
That woman is an inconsiderate moron, and stupid people like that should expect to get flamed for being idiotic. Get with the rules or get lost. Seriously. I have no sympathy for her because she had it coming.
I co-sign everything you just sad, and the initial outbursts he said. He let her have it. And I was all in. When he said, that her tummy looks like an old country red clay dirt road, I hollered. In fact, my stomach is still turning. That was one good read. He was truly in his feelings, like we all have been at some point. I wouldn’t have personally posted anything on social media like that, but I understand on his reasoning why he felt the need to vent. His public relations team probably told him that it wasn’t a good look, so he backtrack. I don’t agree, but this the world we live in, when an apology even though it is not heartfelt, is a win for the so-called outraged individuals.
Oh I can’t! What he said we so wrong on so many levels why do men do this kind of crap I mean he rip this poor girl for filth and he seems to be very arrogant I hope he never has to experience a situation where he loses his looks because that would be some bad karma.
Oh my, that Roid-Rage is real people, but who the hell does yoga stretches in the lifting area, that is a weird gym set up to say the least. Of course if this was a woman of European descent, she might have thought she could do what she wanted to in the gym and no Big Black Athlete was going to tell her any different, but her ass got checked. Personally I try to stay away from women without pigment because they are mean, hateful and evil especially toward Black men, even more sinister than their male counterparts. Still trying to wrap my head around the fact that this dumbass would be doing Yoga stretches in the free weight area.
Zero points. Shouldn’t have posted that in the first place. Situation should have been left in the gym. People and their “emotions” need to learn that everything doesn’t need to put on social media.
Long side ways Ummmmmmmmmmm to that
P.S. He gets some points for saying sorry but I wonder if he’s saying it because he means it or because people called him out on the post.
Probably called out on it
MMA & public image
He didn’t have to do her like that, unless he asked politely for her to move and she didn’t…but still u go to the staff.
Why was she stretching where they lift? &
Naw she won’t be back
“Built like a bag of dry dog food” LOL