so we have covered markeith rivers a couple of times in the foxhole.
so much so,
his entries are currently trending —–>
well a vix-bi sent me a recent entry that was on mediatakeout.
it was a video of markeith making a wolf beg not to be outed…
where is that wolf’s pride?
on his paws?
and on the wet pavement?
he also posted these:
i doubt markeith would play these games with new yawk dl wolves.
could he play these games in brownsville?
crown heights?
east ny?
say what say what say what?
they would shoot his ass dead and throw the body into the hudson.
it seems he knows who to play these games with.
the wolves from his forest are straight bitches.
ain’t no reason he wasn’t dragged out that car and stomped.
the karma for this jackal is going to be one for the record books.
it’s coming.
lowkey: maybe this is all a joke?
these wolves are not really d/l,
but really gay and playing a role?
paid actors,
it just doesn’t make any sense.
he isn’t even that attractive.
article taken: mediatakeout | facebook
Ridiculous Comments. Bottom Line if you on the DL you deserve to be outed. If you are Trans you need to tell the person interested in you right away or you too deserve to be outed. It is my choice if I choose to sleep with a switch hitter, a transgender or not and no one has the right to take that away from me. Now if you are Homosexual/Lesbian/Bi get yours and enjoy. Homosexual/Lesbian/Bi are not hurting anyone rather they are out or in the closet. They are not involving anyone in there choices but people who have made a conscience decision to be with them. This way people know exactly what they are getting and getting into. PS if it wasn’t for the man y’all are trying to tear down right now, I would have been a victim of one of his dl men that he exposed. I am forever grateful I dodged that bullet.
So he not only tricks them into setting up a date with him, but he also forces them to do shit just to make sure that he doesn’t out them? That just boggles the mind,
He’s honestly just a disgusting individual to me and I wouldn’t be upset if he got his ass kicked. I can’t see myself outting anybody mainly because I get where they are coming from, shit I used to be dl myself and I understand the need not to want people in your business judging you.
That doesn’t mean I agree w/ dl dudes who are homophobic nor don’t take pleasure in them being outted sllightly but I just ugh fuck him tbh.
He is a disgusting piece of shit, he is playing with these dudes life and that is so messed up on so many levels.DL or not no one deserves to be outed like this and he has the nerve to be making money off this mess. Why does it seem like ugly dudes be pulling good looking trade? I mean I just don’t get it.
He DAMN sure couldn’t get away with it in Crown Heights!!!!!
It’s not fair. I look good, don’t run my mouth, not loud and extra, and I can’t get a date to save my soul. How is it that Markeith gets good looking guys, asks them to BEG like a DOG so he don’t out them, and still does it anyway. I think he is a malicious human being. Makes it bad for the rest of them because now these dudes be actin mad paranoid tryna get some play. Realize once that action of outing them is gone, there is nothing stopping them from whooping ya ass Markeith.
i really dont understand why men keep messing with this clown. he’s a fool and not even that cute. i dont understand.
Story is old. Must be a slow news day for you
When you blackmail a church board to out the senior pastor or not. You gonna be dealt with soon.
Someone is gonna set him up. I’m sure he uses Craigslist or Backpage to meet his prey. I can see it now. This dude shot up in some Motel 6 with the video catching everything.
What a disgusting person. Smh. I feel sorry for these guys, especially when they can totally take control of these situations. On the wet pavement begging? NOBODY’S booty is that damn good.
You have to remember that it is not about the booty. He was threatening to out him. They’ll do anything to prevent that from happening.
He’s a sack of lowlife pigeon shit! I’m beyond disgusted after watching this.
Someone needs to go Luke Cage on his ugly ass.
Yea, this man is going to get himself hurt in the near future. It is a process that never stops with him. How does he keep getting all these guys? I dislike DL men, but people have the right to freely explore their sexuality without having to be worried about someone threatening to out them all the time. It bothered me to see that man get down on his knees and basically beg not to be outed.
And yet you tops still flock to dudes like this smh….i dont understand, i thought tops like masculinity.
Modelboy, that is not necessarily true for everyone. There are a lot of men who desire someone who is the opposite of them. Every man has different needs.
This video was also on world star. The comments were just disgusting because most of them laughed and condoned the dude being outed.
I HATE stunt queens who do this! This is how people get hurt on both sides. I don’t agree with guys being on the DL like the next person but the whole EXPOSING someone because you’re hurt or in your feelings is WHACK to me.
I don’t get the outrage anyone has about any of this crap. If you lay down with gutter trash, then you come up smelling like shit. Anyone that allows someone else to record them is asking for it. I don’t feel sorry for any of them. There are no victims here. Seek out quality human beings, and you will not have to deal with any of this. I have never in my life had to go through these ordeals. My private life stays private. By the way, these videos look staged. All of them are attention whores.
…so he gets off on outing guys??
As it stands, until he outs the wrong one and they RIP his ass.
Im guessing he doesnt realize its only a moment of time before somebody kills him right. Just like that dude from NYC. Damn, cant remember his name right now, he had the site.
Then I’m sorry but if you’re DL and going to risk being outed, at least let it be someone attractive.
Dude looks like a GUTTER RAT that crawled out of a sewer…literally.
Hell, they would’ve been better off fucking with a cute out gay dude that can keep a secret.
What city is he in anyway? I know he would’ve been shot if he was in my city as well.
Anyway, I don’t know why these dudes keep falling for it. This has to be fake for attention.
Charlotte… where black men get shot by cops and get away with it. He has over 10 mugshots on file look him up
he is a habitual felon
This guy just hasn’t met the wrong guy yet. A few weeks ago he exposed a Charlotte Police Officer. To see the uncut versions of his exposures you have to pay.
The video you post is from 2014. of the guy on his knees. Markeith gets a kick out of re-exposing you. I’m sure many remember the rapper that he exposed last year and it was rumored “Guttah” killed himself. He trIcked him again. Guttah was trying to meet a transexual and it was Markeith. Went to his neighbor to pick him up. Saw him walking and called him gay slurs in front of all his neighbors. Markeith is mentally ill.
Its safe to say you will be posting his obituary one day.

Any mofo who gets with this braided-weave Carolina queen deserves any and all things that come along with that nasty reunion of flesh, there I said it. ..jus yuck.
reunion= union
That guy gonna get kill and tbf i will not be a big loss. What he’s doing is just plain mean and evil because it’s useless. What if they don’t wanna come out. It’s not like they’re bashing gay. Because look i’m all for outing a hypocrite but if he did nothing to lgbtqa+ leave the man alone. His body gonna be found in some shit i’m telling you.
^he got 44,000,
according to his fb,
who would miss him…
…and will turn on him if he gets caught up.
This guy just hasn’t met the wrong guy yet. A few weeks ago he exposed a Charlotte Police Officer. To see the uncut versions of his exposures you have to pay.
The video you post is from 2014. of the guy on his knees. Markeith gets a kick out of re-exposing you. I’m sure many remember the rapper that he exposed last year and it was rumored “Guttah” killed himself. He trIcked him again. Guttah was trying to meet a transexual and it was Markeith. Went to his neighbor to pick him up. Saw him walking and called him gay slurs in front of all his neighbors. Markeith is mentally ill.
Its safe to say you will be posting his obituary one day.

Why do some gay/bi men or some transgendered woman find pleasure in airing out someone’s dirty laundry?
^likes and online popularity?
this certainly can’t go on their resumes or college credits.
but they learned it from somewhere though.
Most of them have been miserable and unloved by even themselves their whole lives.
Misery loves company. Must suck to know that largely no one gives a shit about you and you’re literally a sex toy men get tired of and throw away.
So yeah they have no fucks to give lol