derek tramel always struck me as a freak.
i like that.
a lot.
he seems to have an addiction to butt sex.
how do i know?
this one of the little somethings that was on his ig a few days ago:
no homo?
anyway he put up a meme on his ig that lead to an interesting discussion.
a foxholer wanted me to share so check it out…
well he is passionate about his butt sex!
i hear he doesn’t respond to any comments like most attentionistos.
its good to see this topic brought him out his shell.
btw: what snow vixens is he smashin’ with that lanky ass meme position?
derek needs an update on “the anal arch”:
much better.
all i can say is some wolves like what they like.
some wolves like to stick their pipe in a vixen’s holes.
if they could get it to fit in her ear,
she would gladly hear when he is cummin’.
liking butt sex doesn’t make you gay/bi/tri.
liking butt sex with a man is what makes you gay/bi/tri.
lowkey: nothing beats butt sex in some warm and tight foxhole though.
foxes are just made for that kinda thing.
hell nothing beats head from a fox…
but that’s a “hole” ‘nother story.
I use to wonder why a woman would be into butt sex as well cause as the guy stated above, women have no prostate but we all have our thrills.
What’s up with that pic of that scrawny white girl though..He’ll only be having bone sex.
Wait? He only messes with snow vixens/foxes…
I died at “bone sex” LMAO! ( i was lowkey thinking the same thing) but you SO wrong for that! LOOOL!
It’s a good thing you took screenshots, Jamari, because ole boy deleted the meme and a few more. I didn’t scroll all the way down, but it’s clear the attention he was getting wasn’t the right kind of attention he wanted. I lowkey hate when these guys do a social media purge. It’s like, who are you scared of? His lil hospital job must be in limbo, which is probably why he deleted the I-love-anal memes. And since he deleted the memes, I wonder if he reads this site? Hi, DT. lol.
I have some hot tea on Derek. But trust me he is not fooling anyone. I would say though unlike his BFF Beck he is a functioning Bi-Sexual. He fucks women and men….well a man. A very messy one at that. Luckily Derek is not big like steven out here or else he would’ve been exposed. He fucks niggas. Ugly ones. That’s a fact. Don’t let the muscles fool you all these IG niggas the same.
As much as he talks about women I thought he was straight. He has a son as well. He seems cool tho. As long as its consensual. Where is he from. You say you know someone hes with what is his type?
Those comments had me rolling

Shit how the world sees as long as you’re doing anything sexual with a vixen it’s ok, no matter how sided eye it is. These sex trends seem to come every few years, I know that anal sex with the straights has been going on for decades but in the last few years people are publicly admitting. I remember being in high school in the mid 2000s and back then pineapples wouldn’t even admit to eating pussy. Who knows in 10 or 20 years bisexuality in men might be publicly accepted.
P.S. “Nothing beats head from a fox” = nothing but truth with that statement lol
is he still ESCORTING like his good judy STEVEN.
You always seem to be on both of their articles being shady.. What have they done to you? Lol spill!
I follow this dude on the Gram and to say he loves Anal is an understatement, this is all he talks about, fucking ass or eating ass, some freaky girl must have turn him out. I never bother to read the comments, but I am sure a lot of people give him the side eye for his freaky fetishes. Him and Steven Beck are BFF and say they are Brotha’s, both of these dudes walk a very fine line of being str8 and homoerotic at the same time. If you really want to make him mad, talk about his chicken legs LOL, he is very sensitive about them. OAN, most of these fitness dudes on IG are super sensitive when you talk about their body, and it matters not that they have it on display 24/7 in every pic, they get real salty when you point out a flaw, they are not here for nothing but compliments.