39 thoughts on “He Sexed Me While Sexing His Wifey”
Bi-sexual seems to be a good definition of most so called masculine black dudes/trade who kick with other dudes on the low, but I dont think that they would ever define themselves like that. I kicked with this ghetto ganster who had a common law wife, who by the way would always blow up his phone saying she knew he was with some bitch, if only she knew the reall deal about her hubby, he would always want to watch str8 porn didnt believe in kissing and getting on a intimate level with a man, he started out only doing certain things and had all these limitations, I guess he thought he was going to put me in a box like his wife, but when I said “F” that he came around, so I think thats why a lot of strictly gay dudes dont buy that Bi-sexual label because as the old queens used to say–“Today’s Trade is Tomorrow’s Competition.”
A full grade higher on a midterm, but that’s beside the point! lol
I encountered guys who only fuck men because it’s easy as hell.
You don’t wine or dine them, or even be nice to them. You just come over, fuck, and leave.
They tend to save the romantic shit for women. A guy I know once said “I fuck em and duck em”.Is it possible sex with men only serves a biological need for some men? I mean deep down I know where I stand on the issue though.
Saving the “romantic shit” for the women may be a statement of how they feel men and women should be treated and not necessarily a statement about their attraction towards either. If they spend a large amount of their time “fuckin em and duckin em” and a small percentage of their time engaging with women then to me it speaks towards how i view most people who claim to be bisexual in that they do have a preference for one over the other and it shows.
There is something that is gained from sleeping with MULTIPLE men as opposed to just ONE consistently over time that to me might be more than something “biological.” What is it about sleeping with men that is keeping them alive?
Speaking for myself, I guess sex with men is more like a fix than a biological need. Once I climax I’m like “get the fuck off me” and im gone until the next time.
I mean I agree a lot of men who claim to be bisexual haven’t seen any parts of a pussy and wouldn’t know what to do with one.
I’m just saying there are anomalies.
Bisexuals like homosexuals are often confused for heterosexuals depending on their levels of masculinity or femininity based on society’s (or their region’s or religion’s) standards.
I only find that bisexual women rarely (willingly) date bisexual men, in fact, a lot of bisexual women can be extremely homophobic. It’s really interesting to witness a DL brotha and DL sista together in a relationship.
There are women that date (and marry) openly gay men (masculine and feminine); bi dudes are not left out at all. It’s more common now, but a lot of people don’t know what they are looking at when they see it.
UrSoVain :
You also don’t think head counts as “sex” whereas to me if you can catch something from it, it counts.
I’m saying most men who identify as bisexual don’t really show that behaviorally. We can hypothesize about certain scenarios of men and their sexual history but in practice that often isn’t the case. At least not from what I’ve come across.
I don’t understand the question. How are you not aroused by men but still participate in sexual acts (assuming you are not being forced to do so)?
Like in a situation where a guy is giving another guy head but nothing’s happening. Dick is softer than some toilet paper.
What is the reason for engaging in oral sex for the one who isn’t aroused?
You don’t think there were limitations with the study though? I lie in research studies all the time about sex.
Your answers will be anonymous my ass!
I don’t know many openly bisexual men, nor do I know any women who would date an openly bisexual man.
Well of course there are always limitations. Response bias being one you engage in lol. Small Sample size being another which is the main limitation of this study since its results cannot be generalized (i dont know why people don’t stress that when they put out articles like this). The results of the study are really just a statement of sample from which they got them: People who read advertisements in gay-oriented and alternative publications.
Bisexuals are everywhere. There are more bisexuals than heterosexuals and homosexuals combined. You are more likely to run into a bi dude than a gay dude or straight dude. There are many people on Earth walking around right now who are emotionally and physically attracted to both men and women and those in between.
I still disagree that there are more bisexual beings out there. Cognitively I’m sure people find both sexes attractive but behaviorally I think tells a different story. If that were the case then I think that would have been evident in very small sample that they used to determine the results of this study, where there would have been more people who identify with Bisexuality (13) than Hetero- or Homosexuality (36).
Hetero- or Homosexuality (46)**
You don’t think there were limitations with the study though? I lie in research studies all the time about sex.
Your answers will be anonymous my ass!
I don’t know many openly bisexual men, nor do I know any women who would date an openly bisexual man.
What if he has sex with both but wants to marry a woman?
Then we’d have to investigate his reasoning for wanting to marry a woman. Typically its based on societal influences and not necessarily something intrinsic. He’s not bisexual if he wants to marry a women because he believes that’s what he “should do” because its what he was taught. At least not to me.
So you’re saying most bisexual men are really gay?
Hmmm what if you aren’t aroused during sex with men, but you still participate?
Does head count? I don’t think so.
You also don’t think head counts as “sex” whereas to me if you can catch something from it, it counts.
I’m saying most men who identify as bisexual don’t really show that behaviorally. We can hypothesize about certain scenarios of men and their sexual history but in practice that often isn’t the case. At least not from what I’ve come across.
I don’t understand the question. How are you not aroused by men but still participate in sexual acts (assuming you are not being forced to do so)?
To say an aggressor can be bisexual over someone who is submissive more often would be looking at it from strictly a sexual stand point. And to that i’d say it may be the act of sex (sticking their penis into something to achieve orgasm) itself than who the sex is with that they are drawn to.
what about vixens?
Vixens’ sexuality tends to be a lot more fluid hence the article states “And of course the studies reveal nothing about patterns of arousal among bisexual women.” I guess sexuality within men to me is a lot more rigid.
UrSoVain :
Its one thing to sleep with either sex because men can sleep with just about anything. Its another to seek out romantic partnerships and there tends to be a preference for doing that with one sex over the other.
So if a guy has sex with men but would never in a million years consider a relationship with one he’s straight?
No, he sleeps with men exclusively. Therefore he is homosexual.
What if he has sex with both but wants to marry a woman?
I’ve always been shocked at the debate as to whether bisexuality exists. I’m not bisexual, but to me, telling someone who tells me that they’re bisexual that they aren’t and just “think” they are, or is just using it as a cover up is the same as me telling someone I’m gay and them telling me “No you aren’t, you’re just confused”, and I’d call bulls**t. No one can read minds, so I can’t tell someone what is in their head or whether they get turned on by something or not.
We all know there are people that like to have sex with dogs, horses, and cars, is believing someone is sexually attracted to both sexes harder to believe than that?
^ I believe bisexuality exists.
women are perfect examples.
In men, I believe an aggressor can be bisexual rather than someone submissive.
welcomed to hear comments on why it doesn’t exist.
To say an aggressor can be bisexual over someone who is submissive more often would be looking at it from strictly a sexual stand point. And to that i’d say it may be the act of sex (sticking their penis into something to achieve orgasm) itself than who the sex is with that they are drawn to.
I still don’t believe in Bisexuality.
Sexuality encompasses a lot more to me than who makes your penis stand up.
Elaborate please?
Its one thing to sleep with either sex because men can sleep with just about anything. Its another to seek out romantic partnerships and there tends to be a preference for doing that with one sex over the other.
I kinda get what you’re saying. Like there’s a difference between being a giant manwhore, and genuinely being bisexual.
#whoisjamarifox :
that sounds like:
“yup. rob me. go ahead. i’ve already tied myself up for you.”
“baby. lets role play. you be the robber and i’ll be victim. fuck me while hog tied.”
This gay pimp I met at this “gathering” offered me and my homeboy $800 to do some white guy. He just wanted us to come and find him over the bed at night. I declined of course. Lol
uh huh.
so what you buy with the 800 dollars?
lol jp
Fucking for money is so…low class. I fuck for pleasure, the experience, or hell just for sport. Lol
You may still want to pay me after though
We all know sexuality isn’t black and white at all.
There are some normal people who get turned on by some very strange things.
Women who like to act like they’re being sexually assaulted during sex, gay/bi men who like to post their address on these sex sites, blinfold themselves, and wait for dudes to come hit them raw. Men doing understall in public restrooms.
We’re all some freaks.
“gay/bi men who like to post their address on these sex sites, blinfold themselves, and wait for dudes to come hit them raw.”
^^what. the. fuck???
You never heard of that Jamari? Mostly white dudes do it, but some black ones do it too.
that sounds like:
“yup. rob me. go ahead. i’ve already tied myself up for you.”
“baby. lets role play. you be the robber and i’ll be victim. fuck me while hog tied.”
*waits for Vain’s response*
That’s why when a guy seems off I don’t ask if they’re gay. Because they could say no and be telling the complete truth.
these dudes have to exsist because who is fuckin the trannies, Wolves, and Foxes?
those stories about “trade”….
To be honest when i to be “bisexual” I used that excuse. but I was confused. I believe in bisexuality tho. I still find women beautiful, even though I could never date or have sex with one. I used that to delude myself for a long time. I took the boner test *as used in above study* and it helped me clear things up.
Bi-sexual seems to be a good definition of most so called masculine black dudes/trade who kick with other dudes on the low, but I dont think that they would ever define themselves like that. I kicked with this ghetto ganster who had a common law wife, who by the way would always blow up his phone saying she knew he was with some bitch, if only she knew the reall deal about her hubby, he would always want to watch str8 porn didnt believe in kissing and getting on a intimate level with a man, he started out only doing certain things and had all these limitations, I guess he thought he was going to put me in a box like his wife, but when I said “F” that he came around, so I think thats why a lot of strictly gay dudes dont buy that Bi-sexual label because as the old queens used to say–“Today’s Trade is Tomorrow’s Competition.”
A full grade higher on a midterm, but that’s beside the point! lol
I encountered guys who only fuck men because it’s easy as hell.
You don’t wine or dine them, or even be nice to them. You just come over, fuck, and leave.
They tend to save the romantic shit for women. A guy I know once said “I fuck em and duck em”.Is it possible sex with men only serves a biological need for some men? I mean deep down I know where I stand on the issue though.
Saving the “romantic shit” for the women may be a statement of how they feel men and women should be treated and not necessarily a statement about their attraction towards either. If they spend a large amount of their time “fuckin em and duckin em” and a small percentage of their time engaging with women then to me it speaks towards how i view most people who claim to be bisexual in that they do have a preference for one over the other and it shows.
There is something that is gained from sleeping with MULTIPLE men as opposed to just ONE consistently over time that to me might be more than something “biological.” What is it about sleeping with men that is keeping them alive?
Speaking for myself, I guess sex with men is more like a fix than a biological need. Once I climax I’m like “get the fuck off me” and im gone until the next time.
I mean I agree a lot of men who claim to be bisexual haven’t seen any parts of a pussy and wouldn’t know what to do with one.
I’m just saying there are anomalies.
Bisexuals like homosexuals are often confused for heterosexuals depending on their levels of masculinity or femininity based on society’s (or their region’s or religion’s) standards.
I only find that bisexual women rarely (willingly) date bisexual men, in fact, a lot of bisexual women can be extremely homophobic. It’s really interesting to witness a DL brotha and DL sista together in a relationship.
There are women that date (and marry) openly gay men (masculine and feminine); bi dudes are not left out at all. It’s more common now, but a lot of people don’t know what they are looking at when they see it.
Like in a situation where a guy is giving another guy head but nothing’s happening. Dick is softer than some toilet paper.
What is the reason for engaging in oral sex for the one who isn’t aroused?
Well of course there are always limitations. Response bias being one you engage in lol. Small Sample size being another which is the main limitation of this study since its results cannot be generalized (i dont know why people don’t stress that when they put out articles like this). The results of the study are really just a statement of sample from which they got them: People who read advertisements in gay-oriented and alternative publications.
Bisexuals are everywhere. There are more bisexuals than heterosexuals and homosexuals combined. You are more likely to run into a bi dude than a gay dude or straight dude. There are many people on Earth walking around right now who are emotionally and physically attracted to both men and women and those in between.
I still disagree that there are more bisexual beings out there. Cognitively I’m sure people find both sexes attractive but behaviorally I think tells a different story. If that were the case then I think that would have been evident in very small sample that they used to determine the results of this study, where there would have been more people who identify with Bisexuality (13) than Hetero- or Homosexuality (36).
Hetero- or Homosexuality (46)**
You don’t think there were limitations with the study though? I lie in research studies all the time about sex.
Your answers will be anonymous my ass!
I don’t know many openly bisexual men, nor do I know any women who would date an openly bisexual man.
Then we’d have to investigate his reasoning for wanting to marry a woman. Typically its based on societal influences and not necessarily something intrinsic. He’s not bisexual if he wants to marry a women because he believes that’s what he “should do” because its what he was taught. At least not to me.
So you’re saying most bisexual men are really gay?
Hmmm what if you aren’t aroused during sex with men, but you still participate?
Does head count? I don’t think so.
You also don’t think head counts as “sex” whereas to me if you can catch something from it, it counts.
I’m saying most men who identify as bisexual don’t really show that behaviorally. We can hypothesize about certain scenarios of men and their sexual history but in practice that often isn’t the case. At least not from what I’ve come across.
I don’t understand the question. How are you not aroused by men but still participate in sexual acts (assuming you are not being forced to do so)?
what about vixens?
Vixens’ sexuality tends to be a lot more fluid hence the article states “And of course the studies reveal nothing about patterns of arousal among bisexual women.” I guess sexuality within men to me is a lot more rigid.
So if a guy has sex with men but would never in a million years consider a relationship with one he’s straight?
No, he sleeps with men exclusively. Therefore he is homosexual.
What if he has sex with both but wants to marry a woman?
I’ve always been shocked at the debate as to whether bisexuality exists. I’m not bisexual, but to me, telling someone who tells me that they’re bisexual that they aren’t and just “think” they are, or is just using it as a cover up is the same as me telling someone I’m gay and them telling me “No you aren’t, you’re just confused”, and I’d call bulls**t. No one can read minds, so I can’t tell someone what is in their head or whether they get turned on by something or not.
We all know there are people that like to have sex with dogs, horses, and cars, is believing someone is sexually attracted to both sexes harder to believe than that?
^ I believe bisexuality exists.
women are perfect examples.
In men, I believe an aggressor can be bisexual rather than someone submissive.
welcomed to hear comments on why it doesn’t exist.
To say an aggressor can be bisexual over someone who is submissive more often would be looking at it from strictly a sexual stand point. And to that i’d say it may be the act of sex (sticking their penis into something to achieve orgasm) itself than who the sex is with that they are drawn to.
I still don’t believe in Bisexuality.
Sexuality encompasses a lot more to me than who makes your penis stand up.
Elaborate please?
Its one thing to sleep with either sex because men can sleep with just about anything. Its another to seek out romantic partnerships and there tends to be a preference for doing that with one sex over the other.
I kinda get what you’re saying. Like there’s a difference between being a giant manwhore, and genuinely being bisexual.
This gay pimp I met at this “gathering” offered me and my homeboy $800 to do some white guy. He just wanted us to come and find him over the bed at night. I declined of course. Lol
uh huh.
so what you buy with the 800 dollars?
lol jp
Fucking for money is so…low class. I fuck for pleasure, the experience, or hell just for sport. Lol
You may still want to pay me after though
We all know sexuality isn’t black and white at all.
There are some normal people who get turned on by some very strange things.
Women who like to act like they’re being sexually assaulted during sex, gay/bi men who like to post their address on these sex sites, blinfold themselves, and wait for dudes to come hit them raw. Men doing understall in public restrooms.
We’re all some freaks.
“gay/bi men who like to post their address on these sex sites, blinfold themselves, and wait for dudes to come hit them raw.”
^^what. the. fuck???
You never heard of that Jamari? Mostly white dudes do it, but some black ones do it too.
that sounds like:
“yup. rob me. go ahead. i’ve already tied myself up for you.”
“baby. lets role play. you be the robber and i’ll be victim. fuck me while hog tied.”
*waits for Vain’s response*
That’s why when a guy seems off I don’t ask if they’re gay. Because they could say no and be telling the complete truth.
these dudes have to exsist because who is fuckin the trannies, Wolves, and Foxes?
those stories about “trade”….
To be honest when i to be “bisexual” I used that excuse. but I was confused. I believe in bisexuality tho. I still find women beautiful, even though I could never date or have sex with one. I used that to delude myself for a long time. I took the boner test *as used in above study* and it helped me clear things up.