lil nas x is straight and pretending to be gay for popularity

before he came lil nas x,
he was montero lamar hill from lithia springs, georgia.
according to some who claim they knew him

He was straight back then.

woah vicky,
claims that lnx is not really gay.
in her words,
back in high school,
she knew people who said he was straight

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kevin gates may smash you at his crib and his wife is okay with it!

you know my theory about wolves who like trans vixens:

Straight wolves who have sex with trans vixens are having sex with a vixen.

regardless of what is happening down below,
he is seeing a vixen.
he is seeing tits and ass.
so the shocking thing about rapping wolf,
kevin gates,
wasn’t him allegedly smashin’ trans vixen,
lilah gibney

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calen meeks aka tommy dickey is mad at me?

so i tole ya’ll the foxhole has eyes everywhere.
calen meeks aka tommy dickey is mad at me and i don’t know why.
i wrote about him ( x in this entry ).
calen had a few things to font about his entry and this happened…

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larsa pippen teaches us how too much sex doesn’t mean nada in a relationship

i’ve noticed people in relationships/marriages flex about the weirdest shit.
when the relationship ends after all the flexing,
you gotta ask:

“It was so perfect so what happened?”

larsa pippen,
the ex of scottie pippen,
has got michael jordan’s son in her tentacles.
she went on wwhl and andy asked her about her past marriage to scottie.
she gon say

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someone tells us a story about chris brown that may shock you?

there are some things that happened that are “no-brainers“.
we can’t be shocked when we hear certain stories about celebs.

I know some of ya’ll like to play dumb but I KNOW ya’ll ain’t shocked when certain people/attentionistos/celebs do dumb shit.

…especially when they have patterns of the same behavior.
when i saw this alleged story about chris brown and potential abuse…

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slim thug refuses to look gay in his clothes so he’d rather look cheap

some people’s worth is tied to the flex.
some people can only wear designer shit to feel good.
others can look like a million dollars in h&m.
ex(?) rapping wolf,
slim thug,
wants us to know he’s cheap and refuses to look gay in his clothes

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