tiffany from insecure better not leave the script because the akas will jump her

i knew tiffany,
the character played by amanda seales on insecure,
was an aka (alpha kappa alpha) but it never defined her character to me.
i didn’t even know the 4 characters went to stanford tbh.
even though tiffany brings the bougie energy between the 4,
she isn’t someone that i pay too much attention to.
from what i know,
they never disrespected the aka organization on the show.
the akas (and the whole greek life) is having a fit now because aka “revolt“…

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eddie winslow is trending for another hyped lie by sidney starr?

who is the real ^dork in this picture?
i’ll give you a hint.
it certainly isn’t steve urkel these days.
i feel like the only time i hear about eddie winslow aka darius mccrary is who he is smashing.
i’m like do you do fan meet-ups or anything?
 there were claims he was an alleged power couple with trans she-jackal,
sidney starr,
according to “the shade room“…

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ray j and princess love are hitting the “3 strikes and you’re out” disqualification terms

the body language in this picture is telling.
they look like two college friends who saw each other at a party.
you know i’m realizing in 2021 during this pandemic foxhole?

Many couples are realizing they actually hate each other.

i don’t know about you,
but i’m seeing a shit ton of breakups and divorces.
folks spent sometime in closed quarters and was like:

“I don’t like him/her.
I don’t even like my kids.”

ray j and princess love are what you call “a relationship way past expiration”.
even in icu for pnemonia,
ray j wants out of his toxic marriage for the 3rd time via “tmz”

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i watched the apple event for the iphone 13 and…

i had a blackberry before i transferred to an iphone.
i feel like every millennial had a blackberry until iphone came into the picture.
one by one,
you saw peace-out messages on blackberry messenger as folks dipped.
my first iphone was a 4 and i loved that little phone.

it lived a pretty good life until it dropped into the toilet one faithful morning.
you know how tight i was when siri was introduced with the 4s?
these days,
i use siri faithfully.
you can say i’m an apple stan.
no shade to android but i’m not into those phones.
i have a 12 pro max that i’m pretty obsessed with.
apple had their annual apple event to introduce the iphone 13 and tbh…

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king agu is single and don’t even think about dating him this year

i remember when there onlyfans shit dropped.
it was all good bout a week ago.

so king agu has allegedly broken up with his ex(?),
for what seems like the 40th time.
these two be legit  “back, back, forth and forth“.
king agu posted this on his degenerate burner twitter account:

…and we aren’t shocked or surpised.
i’m gonna font a controversial statement about these two…

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boosie goes on the breakfast club to stand up for the kids and straight males over lil nas x

everyone is entitled to their own opinion,
but it doesn’t mean we have to like it.
as a blogger,
i know full well how my opinion can tilt others.
as much as i have the choice to stand in my opinion,
others have the option to not accept it.
it’s totally fine.
boosie went on “the breakfast club” to speak to all straight males today.
they pressed him on a number of issues including his stance on lil nas x,
who happens to be his arch-nemesis

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