Tank Doesn’t Like When You Attack His Light Skin Queen

Screen Shot 2014-10-09 at 8.40.00 PMsocial media has been the death of being a true celebrities.
it seems to be the place where they go,
say something absolutely stupid,
and show us who they really are.
lets add tank to the list,
shall we?
so tank is dating a light skin “queen” like ^so.
he had a question for everyone on twitter.
well a specific group of people rather…
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Denzel Wells Needs To Rescue A Cat From A Tree

tumblr_nbpdg4B8v71qe8nc8o1_500so denzel wells thought…
someone in heels
…would make people assume he was gay?
well if ^that picture didn’t make people speculate…
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Denzel Wells: The Homophobe That Might Not Be?

denzel wells.
he went on “america’s next top model” and fucked himself in the ass.
no vaseline.
tyra banks being the one to fuck him.
how ironic.
so i saw this on tumblr today and well…
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Aaliyah: The Princess of Pure Crack Smokin’ Disrespect

tumblr_m6uhl81zCu1rrgijno1_500_largeaaliyah must be turning over in her grave!
i hope she takes flight to go haunt a muthafuck tonight!
they just released the trailer for the lifetime biopic,
“aaliyah: the princess of r&b”
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Desperate Times Call For Desperate Jackals

tumblr_inline_muyuuryDg71rqcq1bmy crush has left the building.
no seriously.
that fine wolf i liked in advertising is gone.
gone i tell ya!
i nearly wept.
usually i would see him come to my floor,
but for the last few weeks,
he was a no show.
it wasn’t until one of the jackal’s liar liar knows spilled the beans.
well broke the whole jar with a whole new kind of desperate
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WTF Does Kim Kardashian Have On?

tumblr_ncmx0pbb421sxlr2xo1_500i’m lookin’ like north right now.
remember when kim kardashian use to dress her ass off?
she needs to remember also.

lowkey: that creature behind her is ruining her swagg.
his foolishness is all over that outfit.

its like it wants to be a swim suit and a nightie.
they decided to merge the two and see what stuck.
…and then a leather jacket over the shoulders.
i just can’t!