the ultimate karen becomes another ultimate example for us to feast on her destruction

you would think after all the many other examples,
these white jackals and hyenas would understand how social media works.
the tides have turned baby.
your racist behavior will not be tolerated in this decade.
so many have gotten exposed and cancelled that you’d think folks would be smarter.
they’re all still idiots.
i enjoyed how this karen was trying to get this “african american” lynched in central park:

…while choking out her dog as she tearfully called the cops,
but has become another example on cancellation canyon…

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lana del rey takes another swing on the hill the horse died on

wtf is going on with celebs today during this rona?
why can’t some of them be more like b and rih?
nicki has sat her ass down and is taking a much needed break.
lana del rey was someone who i thought carried herself like a real celeb.
she comes out with music,
does the promo for it,
and keeps herself out of trouble when she is off.
as you know,
she released a “letter” that ( x rubbed everyone the wrong way ).
well she released a video on ig tv...
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ya’ll gonna temporarily cancel doja cat until she makes another hit song?

are we cancelling doja cat?
i haven’t really got into her as i should.
i do like this song tho:

well she has annoyed social media with her path antics.
she loved calling blacks the “n” word with that hard “er”.
this was what was found from her past tinychats
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if you’re black, you better be voting for joe biden, dammit!

so 4 more years of trump,
i’ve come to that conclusion because i don’t think joe biden is “all there”.
he had an interview on “the breakfast club” with charlamagne and said this…

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khloe kardashian loves the photo shopped skin she’s in!

body dysmorphic disorder.
it’s when you see every little flaw and think that’s what people see.
it’s why the attentionistos work out so hard and still think they’re fat.
social media doesn’t help because we are bombarded with “perfect” images all day.
everyone glows,
takes the best selfie,
and is living this luxurious life.
so we try to tweak,
and face tune so we can join the ranks of “ig baddie”.
i’ve learned that 95% of people on social media suffer from body dysmorphic disorder.
khloe kardashian strikes me a perfect example.
who is this?…
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if the crazy man wants his nudes deleted, then dammit, delete them!

i know the sex is usually out of this world,
but you gotta be careful with entertaining super (maybe dl) hood wolves.
the ones who been to jail and have no fucks to give.
i know that it can be hard to meet another male out here,
but the writing is usually on the wall
…or the face.
so everyone say goodbye to terence brown.
he didn’t have a good judge of character over the dl hood hyena,
benjiman austin paige.
he lost his life over via “the daily mail“…
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