august alsina is a tattle tail?

i believe that unless i’m in a violent situation,
98% of relationship details should remain private in a break up.
even if you’re trying to ruin my reputation,
i’ve won just be being silent.
there is no reason that i should out someone if i cared and loved that person.
it makes no sense to me.
i think that’s why most males i’ve fallen out with at one point creep back into my life.

For me,
it’s always the good -> BYE.

i hurt,
and keep on moving forward.
they know i was good to them and i paid them absolute dust.
this is what puzzles me when it comes to august alsina

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august alsina got his mind, meat, and soul reupholstered and he can’t get over it

remember when we use to call him “september“?
those were good times.
august alsina has been through some thangs,

i bet his memoirs are gonna be fantastic.
he has literally been on a roller coaster since he got in the entertainment industry.
well a vix-bi sent me the following about his alleged sexuality.
august had a recent interview about a past relationship he was in.
he chose to use the terms “person” and “human” to describe who he was with.
it lead to someone questioning his sexuality on twitter and well…
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i don’t even think terry crews knows what he’s talking about

terry crews is lost.
i’m really confused with him these days.
he would just show up in tv shows or comedic movies.
his role were usually memorable.
his ignorance is being showed on social media is his legacy.
he tweeted this about black lives matter that’s getting him dragged…
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talk shit; get hit

^this is when he knew he fucked up.
i don’t why people don’t think some gay males have paws.
if you’ve seen gays fighting,
you should know some of them come with the heat.
this white jackal thought it was in his best interest to call a group of gays the “f” word.
did he learn that day…
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it is my constitutional right to be free so i’m not wearing a face mask any longer


Wearing a face mask in the summer can damn near feel like suffocation

i went to run some errands yesterday and it was humid af.
by the time i got home,
i could hardly breathe.
bad enough i went to dunkin donuts yesterday for an iced coffee,
but realized i had a mask on and couldn’t drink it until i got home.
it’s a whole new forest since the rona has touched down.
the masks are helping us stay safe,
while keeping others safe as well.
some white folks have been having temper tantrums over wearing a mask.
this one compared himself to a mad dog

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shane dawson chased the bbc of fame and it ended up f*ckin him hard (the smiths)

when you first get your first taste of fame,
like your first taste of pussy/dick/or foxhole,
you will do whatever it takes to get more of it.
it’s like a wack dude hounding down a bad ass vixen for pussy.
the more he does for her,
the easier it will be to slide her panties off.
well youtuber,
shane dawson,
might regret chasing the bbc of fame earlier in his career.
he has been accused of doing black face,
saying the “n” word,
a ton of ( x child pedo shit ),
but he did something to rile up the smith family.
by doing this
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