Category: WOW
i didn’t like the way he bit my shit (please don’t use teeth next time)
when beyonce said during the “4” era:
…i felt that shit with the highest of keys.
am an artist who is sensitive about his shit.
my thoughts are magic and my fingers are my wand.
every day,
i try to bring the foxhole into my inner depths with how i’m feeling/what i’m going through.
i have a dope support base and tribe in the foxhole who keeps me on my toes.
so i like to do creative shit on my ig stories.
it is a spot i can really let my fur down and express myself even further.
one of the foxholers alerted me to something that bugged me…
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i’m rubber and your lube is super glue (your dick enters me and now i’m stuck to you!)
imagine a wolf enters you,
i mean really giving you ALL those inches,
and then…
he doesn’t pull out.
that’s because he legit can’t pull out because he’s stuck.
His wife found out he was on the DL and she replaced his lube with super glue.
a foxholer sent me the following video and…
she wants us to see the rona isn’t a big deal by using her tongue on you (jodie meschuk)
there are a lot of crazy jackals running around out here.
i’m convinced laws are passed by folks whose elevators don’t fully reach the top.
i don’t know if the following is crazy but…
jodie meschuk,
a “kinda-sorta maybe not” thoughtful anti-jabber,
wants to sway america into believing the rona isn’t a big a deal.
how is she gonna do that?
she decided to film herself licking things in the supermarket…
here is some muscle soup with covid crackers on the side (trill clinton)
like i told the foxhole,
my life doesn’t change with or without the jab.
we are in the midst of a global pandemic and i don’t trust a word the cdc says.
between them and our leadership,
they fumbled the bag by giving folks false hope about being jabbed and maskless.
as the months went on,
we all came to realize:
let’s have a font about trill clinton aka @astatesman,
who is pictured above.
i’ve been peepin’ him for a while now and i think he is sexy af.
an educated wolf >
so he got fully jabbed in feburary and ended up catching that delta recently.
he tweeted his first-hand account on how it went down and his symptoms…
Continue reading “here is some muscle soup with covid crackers on the side (trill clinton)” →
lamonte stennis thinks ya’ll are reaching about dababy being homophobic
lamonte stennis isn’t going anywhere.
he literally started something that would keep most gays wrapped around his finger.
An event where gay men can ogle fine males,
touch on them and if they’re lucky,
get a penis on their forehead for a selfie.
…including with himself.
he tapped into a market that has black vixens and gay males attending by the boatloads.
i mean he knows what type of time it is:
lamonte has always been opinionated,
especially his past views on trump since he’s a proud republican.
a foxholer sent me to his page where he might have been defending dababy…
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mychal kendricks is going to jail
people really like mychal kendricks.
i mean,
who wouldn’t?
he is handsome,
has a great personality,
and those bubbly cheeks of his…
chek’s kiss.
did it seem like he was wilder compared to how quiet he is now?
well as you know,
mychal was being investigated for insider trading in 2018.
he pleaded guilty.
after this case getting pushed back 1700 times,
they finally reached a verdict…
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