its a barbie world and nicki minaj and the red head run it
this has been quite the pairing.
the one on the left i’m still confused about.
the one on the right can get annoying when she gets grumpy.
when nicki minaj and ice spice paired up for “princess diana“:
…i still say that nicki was the main draw.
the song is “eh” but nicki made lunch out of it.
when i heard their next pairing,
“barbie world” for the barbie soundtrack was going to be 2 minutes,
i was not expecting greatness whatsoever.
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tell these men to stop being sassy cause they are looking gay af
wake up,
a new word just became popular in the black community.
move over “narcissist” and make way for:
it’s not so much new but it’s being used to torment straight males…
…or is it pointing out how feminine many straight black males have become in today’s society?
a vix-bi sent me an interesting discussion on a podcast yesterday.
it was males asking vixens about males being “sassy”.
this inspiring discussion was on “daily rapup crew“…
Continue reading “tell these men to stop being sassy cause they are looking gay af” →
Protected: is this vixen just not into the meat we like munchin’ on?
Protected: safaree has some sex leakage with that jamaican beef patty inside some buns?
they aren’t clones of each other for #couplesgoals (they be in love tho)
we see a vixen like this and we ASSUME her wolf is fione.
with a bawdy and facial like this,
as gay males,
we ASSUME we would pull the baddest males in all the lands.
I’m here to font you that I’ve seen vixens that look like this dating the dustiest looking males.
I’m here to font you that I’ve seen vixens like this be single too.
we always assume that “fine only dates fine“,
which when you think about it is kinda fucked up.
a foxholer sent me the following video from alicia mccarvell.
it’s literally “oh you thought!” but as a couple…
Continue reading “they aren’t clones of each other for #couplesgoals (they be in love tho)” →
*The following is rated Reading-MA
Adult Content

back in the day,
when you saw a video like ^this,
you know lady que of hood atl cams was behind it.
she was a legend,
an icon,
and she was the moment.
she started the movement of filming sexy conquests in the bedroom.
I have yet to see anyone that could compete with Lady Que’s content.
a foxholer sent me a dm asking about a rumor he heard about lady que…
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