kelly price slightly opens a can of worms of side chicks, d!ck, and statutory rape on sunday’s best

i’m here to font everyone that in 2024,
if you have an exposure about someone,
you better drop names.

Cassie opened the door.
Katt Williams bought the block.
Christian Keyes di…

christian keyes liked tweets.

kelly price is stepping up with an alleged exposure about church folks.
what else is “knew” in that world?
she hinted of some wild shit happening bts of the bet show she is on,
sunday’s best

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jonathan majors continues to look terrible in a major way

some people love to rally behind morons.
sense ain’t always so common out here.
people look at looks,
political ties,
or skin color as they way to defend a moron.
i get it tho.
we want so hard to believe people are good because of what we see…

…but we need to always recognize the truth.

jonathan majors hasn’t looked good in this whole debacle of his.
this interview with abc news did him no favors either…

Continue reading “jonathan majors continues to look terrible in a major way”

raymond baynard has found love in a hopeless place?

is this the perfect example of not judging a book by its cover?
I think it is.
raymond baynard is huge on broadway and huge in general.

i love when males wear those kinds of shirts.
the ones that highlight the chest like bewbs.

raymond is stacked EVERYWHERE.
unlike the others,
he doesn’t skip leg day.

it seems he has found the beginning of a blossoming love story

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would you let harvey weinstein s*ck you off for a career in hollywood?

lemme ask ya’ll a real question:

You’re a struggling “something or the other”.
Pick a career in Hollywood.
That creature above tells you that he will give you all you need…

and there is a big BUT,
he wants to allegedly suck you off in front of everyone.

would you let him?
you’d be shocked at who would say YES.
some of you would close your eyes and imagine he looked like brad pitt.

imagine doing that and he ghosts you after?

katt williams said that harvey weinstein allegedly asked him to do that.
he claims this is why he got canceled by harvery weinstein on shannon sharpe’s podcast

Continue reading “would you let harvey weinstein s*ck you off for a career in hollywood?”

is this king still secretly married? #rerun

is a certain vintage king penis is still sharing his throne?…

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the tiktoker didn’t realize she would go viral off accusing td jakes of power bottoming

when i write entries,
the plan isn’t for them go viral.

i don’t press “publish” with the hopes of it going viral.
if the entry does go viral,
but that isn’t why i have been doing this since ’09.

I do this for the joy of it.

this is my passion.
this is what i want to do and branch off into other avenues.
now some drops i can sense that Foxholer’s tails will wag tho.
for those of you who saw what happened 2 weeks ago,
ya’ll saw what happens when i drop scalding hot tea on here.

Sidebar: if you are still subbed to that Patreon,
everything will be posted in OUR SPACE going forward.

so this tiktok vixen,
is the one who dropped about td jakes being an alleged power bottom…

Continue reading “the tiktoker didn’t realize she would go viral off accusing td jakes of power bottoming”