usher “does” bad decision on a spiritual level

bey gets it right.
when she has a project coming out,
she stays quiet while promoting her brand.
at this point,
she doesn’t even give anyone interviews anymore.
she lets us feast on her drops and we do all the talking/fonting.
before and during her big moments,
she has mastered the art of silence.
during her downtime,
she is like a sleeping dragon who stays off the radar until she is awake.

Bey carries herself like royalty.

who just had a huge career resurgence and has everyone in lust

decides to go do this

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usher got a knockout by diddy that sent him to the hospital?

“Now why am I in it?” Usher in his Nene Leakes voice.

folks are trying to get usher caught up (see what i did there?) in diddy’s mess.
ever since diddy got exposed by cassie,
the forests have been barking loud about his alleged bts behavior.
apparently and allegedly,
diddy put usher in the hospital at one point?…

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kelsey nicole decides to break her silence on a podcast rather than in court in 2022?

remember after the rih and chris brown debacle,
chris brown defenders were all like:


i always asked if they were in the trunk and i was met with silence and grimaces.
i love playing devil’s advocate with these hoes.
the next week or month after the incident,
he throws a chair through a window at gma and i’m met with:

“They were picking on him and they made him angry asking him questions!”

i concluded there are a lot of simple bitches out here.
so i saw today that in megan and tory debacle,
kelsey nicole who was the best friend of megan and full blown attentionista,

is going to “speak” on some podcast:

not this dateline exclusive podcast.
and i think many of us are collectively here to let kelsey know

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i’ve been moving wild funny out here because of diddy

i’ve been doing something and i think ya’ll might be disappointed with me.
it involves diddy

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diddy, stevie j, alleged sexual assault, alleged gay sex, and a lot more allegations

Stevie J will enter this story soon.
Just wait.

diddy might have thought his comeback would be this year.
he was letting this little forest fire fizzle and he’d sneak out of hiding.
nah homie cause those plans might have changed.

The male has come for him with new allegations of alleged sexual assault.

per tmz

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charlamagne thinks “big backs” are the only ones being thirsty for menz

i was sitting here this morning,
reflecting before i started my day over a dream i had about work wolf.

i had to answer a question during shadow work and i conjured him from the emotional dead.

It made me realize how much of a Pick-Me I use to be.

yes i was.
i was a pick-me with no boundaries who was desperately trying to get picked.
in order to find yourself,
you gotta risk embarrassment but i ain’t embarrassed.
i’ll write it in big font:

I use to be a Pick-Me!

a pick-me can look like whatever or whoever and come from any social background.
there are plenty of IG attentionistos,
some of the baddest you ever seen,
that are putting up with all kinds of shit just to be chose.
you see how many of them get caught up being thirsty for sex.
so when i see charlamagne talmbout miss lady in the “who tf did i marry” saga…

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