meet the twink and his online wolf daddy

to be young,
racially ambiguous,
and a twink fox in these forests.
the forest is really your oyster.
the twink foxes seem to get the black wolves too.
isn’t funny how they can be strict foxes and it’s okay,
but when a black fox wants to do the same,
it’s a whole conversation.

anyway that seems to be the life of 19 year old,
stephen oscar.
he’s a lifestyle youtuber from chicago who usually gets 8k a video.
in his recent video,
he got 176k.
he went to dubai and met up with a “friend” from tinder.
this is who it was in the video titled “meet my online daddy”...
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how do you think your past are doing? (let’s go stalk them and find out!)

sometimes i think about him.
work wolf.
i remember a lot of folks from my past.
the ones who hurt me.
the ones who i didn’t get closure for the failed “whatever”.
there is a side of me that wants to see what they’re doing.
are they doing well?
jobless like me?
rich af and living their best lives?

fat with about 20 cubs?
i can admit my faults and  extreme pettiness.
can you?
so i did the unfathomable yesterday…

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(in) between me and you

most folks don’t ever talk about their “in between” phase.
you ever notice that?
the “in-between” is like the points on a “12 inch ruler.

you can think of those as the times in between the grind.
it’s from when you got into struggle and when you got out.
most folks don’t ever mention those moments.
it was a time when it either made them bitter or better.
we are so use to seeing the after tho.
the “buying gucci” and “being able to eat at stk”.
what about the times they couldn’t afford any of that?
when you was at they was at their wits end?

they don’t mention when

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now ya’ll know that hugging video was gay af!

most straight males are not taught to be emphatic.
some of us don’t even know how to be compassionate.
i should know.
some gay males can be as worse as our straight counterparts.
life can teach you how to understand and feel for others.
i should know that too.
life has handed me the lemons to make a lemonade stand.
it’s titled:

The Foxhole

i saw a video where two mlb baller wolves were caught in an embrace.
one baller wolf is in his lap,
while the other is stroking his hair

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when suicide is on the menu today

i read (  x an article ) that calls to suicide hotlines doubled.
many folks are reaching their breaking points.
it seems like shit is getting worse out here.
well it all got too real for the pretty vixen today.
she sent me a text that someone close to her job killed themselves.
they jumped off the roof.
this is what she saw as she was going for lunch
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so ya’ll wash your old condoms with tide or….?

what in the all of broke…?
in my learning of sexual education,
i was also told to always use a fresh condom.
even after one round with the condom still on,
the other two or three rounds should have a new condom.
 when a foxholer sent me the story washing and re-using old condoms,
i high key cringed.
this is what to sent to me from “the daily mail”
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