he was mean af until i let him rub on my whole booty

folks really be having nasty attitudes when they’re in the closet.
it’s true.
i’m not fonting about those who are discreet and comfortable in their own fur.
i’m actually fonting about the ones who are dl and heavily closeted.
those be the ones that are straight battle axes out here.
it reminds me of the vixens who have a nasty attitudes at work.
as soon as she starts getting regular dick downs,
suddenly she’s buying breakfast and skipping through the halls.
that’s usually how the “mean closeted one” comes off.
they always give themselves away with the attitude too.
so i was fonting to one of my foxholers about randy b yesterday…

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straight males love weirdo gays who give them money and attention?

so i saw ^that following tweet this morning and felt triggered,
but then i realized something.
so as you know,
a majority of straight wolves get on the internet to show their tails.
a x-ray of their insides.
they’ll be naked as they were born in hopes for gifts and cash prizes.
so naturally,
the gays will be drawn to that.
some of us may throw money like a stripper on a pole,
but then it’s really common sense:

Gays are just paying for their fantasy

their own personal idea of what they’re attracted to,
just as the regular straights to these hoes who don’t want them.
so check it…

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i use to know the person behind the “anti white” emails

last night,
i couldn’t sleep again,

so i read over that “anti white” email conversation again.
“wtf” is all i could say to myself.
from the start and the end,
it was all very insulting and showed so much ignorance.
i remember when he use to comment on the foxhole…

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the foxhole is anti white

i didn’t know the foxhole was “anti white”.
that wasn’t my intention,
or even motivation,
when i made this website.
i got few scathing emails from one of my white readers today.
his opening email was…

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what cheek do you need to kiss for success nowadays?

when ex baller wolf,
joe anderson,
speaks i tend to listen.
when he looks like this:

…it’s kinda hard not to.
he has a ton of inspirational videos on his ig,
but he made a recent one that made me think.
it was about those in higher positions not helping.
this is what he posted on his ig:

don’t get me wrong,
we have folks who will put you on because they see your talent.
they don’t require anything than your hunger.
others tho…
they want you to flat out worship them for a “maybe” shot.
that’s like having sex with someone in hopes they put you on.
at my past jobs,
i’ve noticed a pattern with those in charge.
some it was greed that drove them to ruin.
others were unprofessional and shouldn’t have been managers.
they all suffered from the same disease:

“make sure you cater to your boss’s low self esteem.
if you don’t,
you’ll be out the door.”

it wasn’t being a terrible worker that had you jobless,
but not understanding the way around their butt cheeks.
i remember one of my past bosses being like that… Continue reading “what cheek do you need to kiss for success nowadays?”

meet the twink and his online wolf daddy

to be young,
racially ambiguous,
and a twink fox in these forests.
the forest is really your oyster.
the twink foxes seem to get the black wolves too.
isn’t funny how they can be strict foxes and it’s okay,
but when a black fox wants to do the same,
it’s a whole conversation.

anyway that seems to be the life of 19 year old,
stephen oscar.
he’s a lifestyle youtuber from chicago who usually gets 8k a video.
in his recent video,
he got 176k.
he went to dubai and met up with a “friend” from tinder.
this is who it was in the video titled “meet my online daddy”...
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