i got my phatty filled and apparently that man juice wasn’t good (enough)?

we’ve got a new thing to stan for these days.
it’s not a new singing diva with long hair and great choreography.

It’s the curvy bottles with the potential rona protection from the various vaccines.

folks are hee-hawing over which vaccine they got.
we got the “moderna gang”,
“j&j crew”,
and “pzifer phattys” taking the stage.

i know.
folks don’t evolve from being dorks.
aside from that,
i am a bit concerned about the jab i got tho…

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prince michael, of lhhmia, is too pretty to be in jail

some folks are too pretty for jail.
christopher michael harty,
also know as prince michael on love and hiphop miami,
is one of them.
i haven’t heard from or about him in a while.
i figured he was minding his business,
promoting parties,
and bussin’ things open on onlyfans with that mega pipe of his.
he was allegedly bussin’ vixens mouthes open and kidnapping them too…

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joel green has a stalker that he wants to share with us

as much as some of us crave attention on social media,
we often don’t realize it comes with a price too.
it is always good and bad for everything.
social media can take a real-life dork and make them a superstar just off a few curated pics.
once the fame rolls in,
we can start to lose ourselves in trying to provide even more content to stay on top.
it can bring many fans and stans just off the strength,
but bring about crazy jackals and stalkers too.
social media can truly be a blessing and curse.
i have featured ig attentionisto,
joel green,
many times in the past.
 he made an IG video today where he revealed that he’s being stalked and blackmailed

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she wants us to see the rona isn’t a big deal by using her tongue on you (jodie meschuk)

there are a lot of crazy jackals running around out here.
i’m convinced laws are passed by folks whose elevators don’t fully reach the top.
i don’t know if the following is crazy but…
jodie meschuk

a “kinda-sorta maybe not” thoughtful anti-jabber,
wants to sway america into believing the rona isn’t a big a deal.
how is she gonna do that?
she decided to film herself licking things in the supermarket…

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lamonte stennis thinks ya’ll are reaching about dababy being homophobic

 lamonte stennis isn’t going anywhere.
he literally started something that would keep most gays wrapped around his finger.

An event where gay men can ogle fine males,
touch on them and if they’re lucky,
get a penis on their forehead for a selfie.

…including with himself.
he tapped into a market that has black vixens and gay males attending by the boatloads.
i mean he knows what type of time it is:

lamonte has always been opinionated,
especially his past views on trump since he’s a proud republican.
a foxholer sent me to his page where he might have been defending dababy

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dababy will be refereed to as “dadownbad” (or “dadownbadbaby”?)

you know when you open the oven after you preheat it and all that heat comes out?

 that is dababy.
he opened the oven and his little ass fell tf in.
you know when you’re in that “idc” phase,
your adrenaline is pumping with massive amounts of “no fucks to give”.
once it (and you) start to come down,
you start seeing how much land that you burned.
i loved this pr apology that he posted on his ig:


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because anyone with common sense knows he didn’t formulate those sentences.

right after dababy posted that,
he started to see how much he actually scorched in his nonsense…

Continue reading “dababy will be refereed to as “dadownbad” (or “dadownbadbaby”?)”