Oh, My God. I Dread The Loss of Heaven and the Pains of Hell.

“Oh, my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee
And I detest all my sins

Because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell.
But most of all because I love Thee,
And I want so badly to be good….”

Do you believe the following statement?

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen.Hebrews 11:1

Well, you should.
Everything that has happened to you so far happened because your faith was either high or low.
I know you are reading and thinking, “well what you mean Jamari?…
But check it…

Continue reading “Oh, My God. I Dread The Loss of Heaven and the Pains of Hell.”

It Is Hard To Be The One Who Takes The Peen

It must be hell being a Fox, huh?

I’m asking YOU that question, seriously…
So they are saying that in Fox-dom, we are the lowest common denominator.
We tend to fall victim to all the bullshit going on around us.
We can never have real friends because everyone is always catty.
We can never be too feminine because we fit into that “stereotype” hairdresser or gay boyfriend.
Vixens always think we are some Dr. Phil for their own doomed love lives,
or we are an extended bitch on their shopping trips.
When we do meet a decent Wolf, being together for 2 months = 2 years.
We can never meet a decent Wolf because he only wants a relationship with our ass.
And then, we always must enter every room with our butt cheeks first.
As we see ourselves as the perfect Fox,
we get bombarded with images and ideals of what we “should” be or what we aren’t.

So, my fellow Fox…

Isn’t all that shit just… exhausting?

Continue reading “It Is Hard To Be The One Who Takes The Peen”

The Emancipation of The Fox Who Created His Own Restrictions

I woke up with an Epiphany this morning.
Before I could wipe the cold out my eyes and pop a toothbrush in my mouth,
I was awoken by the sound of my inner voice screaming.
Sounds psycho, I know.
But, I have been feeling somewhat… down and disgusted these last few days.
I have been feeling “tired”, “worried”, and “over it”.
It has been making me sick and throwing up.
Somehow and somewhere, I picked up bad acid reflux or something.
I would rather be in bed sleep than actively doing anything.
And when I had to go somewhere, I wasn’t fully invested.
I must have been hit with some kind of depression that crept on me like a vine.

But, where THE FUCK did it come from?…

Continue reading “The Emancipation of The Fox Who Created His Own Restrictions”

mental homework (6)

I wrote an entry yesterday about Wolves and their sometime-y aggression.
One of my aces,
came through and knocked a comment out the park for me.
I love when I read a comment and it makes me tingle inside.
(mind out the gutter pervert)

I like the long hard tingles of inspiration

Continue reading “mental homework (6)”

100 Condoms for $20 Dollars!


Great sex = even greater protection!
Our friends over at Vibrant Vibes is having a special today.
A 100 condom sampler for $20.00.
Ain’t nothing that says “FUCK ME SAFELY” than that.


Use coupon code: BESAFE at check out to get 100 condoms for only 20 dollars!

I getting mine!
So I hope you are getting yours!


Oh and all my Baller Wolves who are reading this…
I hope your platinum credit cards are in your hands already.
We know that you… and condoms…. always a “where was the protection?” situation.
no reason you can buy us pretty things for over $1,000…
but cannot afford a box of condoms for $20.

No Really, Tell Me What You Are REALLY Feeling.


Some of us cry when we are our lowest.
Others get mad and rebel.
But, our true feelings come out when we are “going through it“.

 I saw this on Tumblr and it made me sad.
Maybe because today, I am feeling some kind of way.
My emotions are high.
I am actually sitting in my crib with low lighting and just not in the mood to be bothered.
Phone is about to go on airplane mode and either Jay Z or Ye is about to be coming out my speakers.
So, yeah, I could indentify with about one or two of the following.
What about you?…

Continue reading “No Really, Tell Me What You Are REALLY Feeling.”