mental homework (3)

Again… ICeeDedPpl does it again with a powerful comment for the weekend.
One I am sure will help Wolves and Foxes all over the world… deal.

Peep your mental homework for life…

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Foxy Lifestyle: The Jackals and Hyenas of our Lives

It’s time for a mental turn around.

After these last few entries,
I see there is one trend that has not been addressed.




I have had my kindness taken for granted by people who did not care what they did.
In turn, they talked crazy shit about me all over the Forest.
Thank God I learned to ignore or I would have been doing house calls.
But trust and believe in 2011,
I have been an expert on how to spot a user and how to wrap them around my finger.

Here are some tips I have picked up on throughout the years…

Continue reading “Foxy Lifestyle: The Jackals and Hyenas of our Lives”

mental homework (2)

I have been lurking through the discussions in the comments,
and I have been not only inspired, but slapped in the face.
Not in a bad way of course.

Keep it up.
You are helping everyone sharing your experiences, thoughts, disagreements…
This is what the Fox world is about.

This comment came from Joseph and I felt it was something we ALL need to read.

Continue reading “mental homework (2)”

The “Gay For Play” Straight Wolf

“What are you doing in Chicago?” – I asked.
“Chillin.” – He quickly replied.
“Who are you fucking out there?”
“Who is the Fox?”
“He is.”

… and this person is supposedly be straight.

Continue reading “The “Gay For Play” Straight Wolf”

mental homework (1)

I love when I write something,
and I get a comment that shifts my existence.
I swear, I have the smartest viewers in the whole blogging universe.
All important components to being a Fox or a Wolf.
But, I usually need the good word myself.
I go through things like everyone else and usually,
I have no one to talk to about these issues.

I got a comment from ICeeDedPpl that had me sitting in Hale and Hearty,
going well over my lunch break in just deep thought.

I consider these comments, “mental homework”.
Ever so often, I will throw up comments that touch me…
…and I know will touch you.

Read it below.

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1 is the UN-Loneliest Number

Going out alone has always been weird to me.

I am so use to finding someone else to tag along with to occupy time.
I always felt it meant you were a loner or banished by society.
Lately, I have been feeling unfulfilled with people in my life.
Tired of waiting for phone calls, waiting for late people to arrive, and tired of being alone even if I am out with a ton of people
(read between the lines of that last statement).

So, I made a desicion to go out and enjoy my life as a solo act.
Go out there, network, and find what I am looking for.

Pop the hood for what I discovered…

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