BIDEN WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no cap,
but 4 years of terror has finally come to an end.
america has fired donald trump.
i was in the middle of a podcast when i got the news.


cnn highlighted that in all caps and big bold letters.
you know they were SICK of that orange oaf,
but there is something that bothers me under it all…


that is someone we know,
someone we are familiar with,
and someone we have been around.
that means 70 million people are enraged over biden winning.
if that’s the case,
i want everyone to stay vigilant.
as you celebrate this glorious win,
please be careful out in these forests.

on a positive front:

congrats to kamala harris on getting the trophy.
you already know the jamaicans are losing their minds.
this is a big win for them.
brooklyn is about to be THE SPOT this weekend.
new yawk is already day drinkin:

joe and kamala have a lot of work ahead of them.
they gotta undo a shit ton of damage this asshole brought upon us:

first stop: getting this rona situation under control.

i’m praying their welcome into the white house is a peaceful and progressive one.

































*this is bonus material we added to the podcast today:

Audio Player


12 thoughts on “BIDEN WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. Kamala Harris is not black. She’s 50 percent Indian, 25 percent black and 25 percent white. Her mother (who is dead) was Indian and her father (who is alive) is a Jamaican mulatto. It’s racist to call her black!

    What it means to be black
    To accept the racist “one drop” theory is racist and accepts a central tenet of white supremacy, which is blackness as a taint. “Black” is not a philosophy, a club or a way of life. “Black” is a race. “African American” is an ethnic group within the black race as is Haitian, Nigerian or Kenyan. Just as Irish or Irish American is an ethnic group within the white race as is Italian, French or German.

    The one-drop theory is part of the white supremacy trifecta, which has been largely successful in crippling the black mind (by indoctrination, brainwashing, conditioning, socialization): 1. White/European Jesus (AKA White Jesus), 2. White/European standards of beauty and 3. White/European invented, fostered, foisted, and imposed “one-drop” theory

    Nor is being black defined by skin color. The black race has the highest rate of albinos of any race. And yes, such albinos are fully black. On the other hand, this so called “one-drop” theory that says that if you are part black, then you are black is a bunch of bull. First, it was invented by the racist white slave-owner for the benefit of the racist white slave owner for their racist purposes and not by or for the slave. And I will not have my views dictated by dead racist white slave-owners. Second, it’s racist. It’s based on the theory that black blood is a taint so much so that it taints and spoils all the other blood that is there. And that as a taint, all must be thrown in the garbage that is the black. We’re not going to co-sign on a racist theory that sees us and our ancestors as the functional equivalent of garbage. (We are not garbage and neither are our ancestors!) If you co-sign on the racist one-drop theory, then you are co-signing on racism. Third, it has no basis in reality or logic. It says foolishly—and divorced from logic: “To get more oil, just add water.” (With the black heritage being the “oil” and the anything else being the “water”) That’s foolish. At some point, if you add water to oil, it becomes watery oil and later it becomes oily water. And if you add enough water to the oil, it becomes virtually indistinguishable from plain water and will be fit to drink. At some point if you add water to oil, it becomes unable to lubricate and stops functioning as oil. The “one-drop” theory is inherently racist!

    Therefore, Pan-Africanist American-African writer, historian and professor John Henrik Clark wisely said “You cannot make a good African between the legs of a European woman.” Dr. Claud Anderson came to the same conclusion saying, “If I pour water into gasoline I didn’t make it any stronger, I made it weaker.” You cannot make more “oil” by simply adding “water”. To think that you can is foolish, divorced from logic—and racist.

    (Racism is the belief that one race is inferior or superior to another race. The “one-drop” theory with blacks as a taint, as garbage clearly fits into that racist scheme.)

    Now, there are people who are sufficiently diluted of their black DNA that they are not black. No race of people is “pure” so having some other-than-black ancestry does not make you not black. Just like having some other-than-white ancestry does not make you not white. Certainly if your non-black DNA is equal to or equivalent to your black DNA, then you are not black. Furthermore, one’s race or ethnicity is not like a club. You either are or are not “born that way”. You can’t join it like a club. They are people—just not black people. They are humans—just not black humans. Such people include Senator Kamala Harris (who is apparently ¼ black), President Obama, Meghan Markle, Valerie Jarrett, Mariah Carey, David McIntosh, Boris Kodjoe, Shemar Moore, Halle Berry, Tiger Woods, Benjamin Jealous (former head of the NAACP who is 90% white by DNA), Melisa Harris-Perry, Jesse Williams, etc. (Halle Berry foolishly said that since she was black, her daughter is also black. Well, the fact is that Halle Berry is half-black so is biracial and that her daughter is born of a white man so is ¾ white! Such foolishness!) (And Tiger Woods is ¼ black and ½ Chinese! Yet some want to call him black! Correction: He’s mixed race!) Such people are mixed, mulatto or biracial. We oppose racism in all its forms and permutations (including the racist canard called the “one-drop” theory) and we ask you to oppose racism in all its forms and permutations too. When you know better, you do better.


  3. New face, same agenda.
    I understand people were tired of Trump, but you shouldn’t hype until seeing changes and progress. 2020 ain’t over and a big storm is coming.

      1. Now Black people got him elected he should go to ice cube and talk to him about the black Americans and help him fix what’s going on

  4. Some crazy right wing people are saying that joe will start the apocalypse they say that he’s going to legal pedophilia and take away disability and Social Security and other things they said the same thing about Obama and nothing happened

  5. What you said is accurate. Can celebrate but do it with caution. Half the country voted for him and are mad as hell. His narcissistic mad ass is also gonna gin them up further by never conceding and dragging this out in the courts starting next week. Stay aware and be safe.

  6. There’s gonna be some salty people at my job today i know that.
    Also them maga hats have no more significance.
    i never thought this would happen
    Someone on cnn said it best. We can finally get some normalcy back to America.
    Trump & his followers were nothing but hatemongers.

    I heard there were people who actually voted for Kanye West. Not a million but still too much that it is a problem that needs to be nipped in the bud so idiots stop wasting their votes.

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