Have you ever found yourself making a choice in the throes of desperation,
only to later realize it was the wrong one?
After realizing it was the wrong one,
you get desperate again to fix that wrong choice by making another wrong choice.
Welcome: The cycle.
we’ve all been there.
falling into toxic relationships,
taking soul-sucking jobs,
or striving to keep up with the joneses.
it’s the puppet master pulling our strings into a dance of regret.
we settle for the first thing we see,
we compromise our desires,
and then we realize we picked wrong and stress to escape.
our closest try to warn us but we don’t listen.
i hear egg on your face does make for a good facial.
all of my life,
i’ve realized that i’ve been desperate and made dumb decisions.
it led me to having an epiphany about desperation,
a true “a-ha” moment…
We need to stop doing/choosing/trying to be when we’re feeling desperate.
decisions should be made in moments of clarity,
not in the haze of panic.
when we’re desperate,
we need to breathe and center ourselves.
basically: we need to just chill the F out.
Desperation robs us of our discernment.
In its grip,
we’re not thinking straight and mistakes abound.
desperation creates a vicious cycle of worry,
and anxiety,
leaving us drained and burnt out.
when i look back and see the decisions i made in chill mode,
in a very relaxed “trusting God/whatever” state :
I didn’t regret any of them tbh.
matter of fact,
the answers came to me faster and easier.
the problems fixed themselves,
like magic.

…and anything bad that i was scared to happen,
usually ended up being real good.
lowkey: i remember being so desperate out of jealousy with males.
that he would choose someone else,
or he would get someone pregnant,
and it would end their attraction to me.
i had to always be in his radar so he would pick me.
“pick me!
pick me!
choose me!”
all those things happened and it revealed that i dodged headaches.
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