I have mentioned Antrel before in entries past.
He and his body are like a teenage dream.
On some ol LL Cool J “I Need Love” crush type shit.
Something about him.
You know what it is?
He has a sexy nose.
A nose can be sexy.
Especially when it is attached to a gigantic walking Man-Hulk
who can pick me up and do whatever he wants to me…
He seems like a real laid back kind of character.
I get good things from observing his spirit.
He doesn’t come off too arrogant.
S/N: Why it when a baller gets a little bit of shine,
he go gets himself something light, bright, or damn a near white.
Why is that?
Not knocking my white Foxes and female Foxes
but… seriously?
Jamari Fox is a BAD caramel Hershey’s Kiss of a nukka!
If you don’t know, ask.
if you like Foxtail for dinner,
hit us up @ jamari.fox@gmail.com
He is fine! I think they gravitate to to the white meat for status. They treat them live prize trophies to put on display for the rest of (mostly white) America. Or maybe it has to do with their submissiveness. They’re known to let men get away with way worse than what a black woman would put up with. Who knows? But there is a trend out there.
White women are known to easier to deal with.
I guess they leave the challenges on the field.
I just wanna grab onto those ears as I fugg his m…oh, excuse me, sorry – got caught up for a moment lol
All that he is before my eyes is a king in my book. That is my dream right there. That nose does it for me too(plus everythang else).
Maybe his run toward whiteness is because people made him feel some type of way about how he looked when he was younger. Thats not an excuse, though. I say that because I saw an old episode of the T.O. Show and he was talking about the things people used to say about him because of how he looked. T.O. looked like he never outgrew the taunting and I could surely relate to that. However i didn’t run to white or almost white people.
Anyways who knows?Maybe if they did a case study on Quincy Jones, it would shed light on this crisis.
I ran to “fine”.
I DO NOT know what these ballers are talking about.
I think it also has to do with the type they were attracted too and was turned down by.
Jay Z even mentioned it in his songs that he started getting “the light skinned wavey haired girls” ….
I notice with men they are never picky when it comes to skin color.