Rolle Call In The Deep End

rollecallso when i first started this site,
next to the legend that was devin thomas,
there was baller wolf for the ny giants,
antrel rolle.
i know he wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea,
but i’d definitely sip on that lipton every night before bed.
from his body to that big ass nose,
i was about that baller wolf in 09
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LDSR: The Foxhole Allstars Part 2 (56)

ready for part 2?

well after last session’s epic battle,
i wanted to give the other baller wolves some shine.
they also contributed into this 2 million run that has made IJF where it is.
thanks for being sexy for many entries boys.
bring the candidates to the pleasure hole stage…

Continue reading “LDSR: The Foxhole Allstars Part 2 (56)”

… and yet AGAIN, my G-Wolves


Can you just smell the V I C T O R Y ?

My Wolves of the Giants did it yet again for NY.
And because of that,
they all can get a free ride on the Jamari Fox Express.
I am proud of you boys.
You played well.

But Foxes and Wolves…

Continue reading “… and yet AGAIN, my G-Wolves”



Now do Head Fox proud and bring a ring back to NY.


I’ll be down to celebrate:

Antrel Rolle Is Stacked From The Back

The Giants were EMBARRASSING today.
What the fuck happened boys?
Did the cold weather FUCK up your thought process?

… but I will manage to forgive you.

The Giants are the only team with MEAT all my Foxes love.
One in particular is my chocolate drop, Antrel Rolle…

Continue reading “Antrel Rolle Is Stacked From The Back”

How To Blow NFL Players… and Not Get Paid Doing It

Looks like he wants to FUCK them all in the ass…
… and not in the good way…

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