“strumming my pain with his fingers…
singing my life with his words…”
so i have a raging headache tonight,
but i couldn’t not post these pictures of cj jones.
i know he is a foxhole fav and a pretty nice wolf at that…
nothing like a big hunk of wolf meat to make a fox feel better.
thank you for helping cj and foto119!
hope all is well in your forest down below!
lowkey: here is a bonus selfie as a treat:
fotos credited: instagram
Cj Cj Cj damn he is fine, it should be against the law to be this damn gorgeous. Everything about him is on point looks, personality, and body where can I find a dude like this. SN who ever back he is blowing out I commend that person, but I wish it was me
*SiGh That man, that man, that man.
I need this for Thanksgiving.
I like this guy. Seems like a nice guy, and is damn good looking. Yum!
Man, you have to love CJ! He seems like such a sweet guy.
He’s so handsome and thick. I love it.
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!!!