5 Ways To Know Your Wolf Is Into U

Screen Shot 2015-03-02 at 7.45.44 PMso wolf extraordinaire and “kaldrick king” impersonator,
has a lot of wolf-like wisdom.
he already told us ( x what every fox should know ).
now he wants to clue us in when a wolf is into us.
  this is his advice of knowing you ain’t some guttabutt thot
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“5 Things Every Fox Should Know” by A Wolf

Screen Shot 2014-02-26 at 9.43.00 PMeveryone meet “theesupaman”.
wolf extraordinaire.
so one of my email favs sent me a video from him titled,
“5 things wolves want foxes to know”.
so i decided to watch it and of course,
i had my trusty britney gif armed and ready because i knew the antics were coming.
Continue reading ““5 Things Every Fox Should Know” by A Wolf”