Who Is Ready For Another “Chocolate City” Movie?

Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 11.39.57 PM…but with ^this fine wolf?
well everyone meet willie taylor.
he went from “making the band”,
solo act,
returning back in “day 26”,
leaving them,
being on “love and hiphop hollywood”,
and now sidelining as a stripper in “chocolate city 2”.
quite the resume.
well here is some behind the scenes shots…

tumblr_mv0ozjTkGc1so2e9ko1_500dance for me willie t!
is it me or…

Has he gotten finer with age?

even though he is a relic from “2007”,
he has been steady working.
he also has a beautiful family as well:

Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 11.53.47 PMthe vixens always get the good ones.
welp i’m sure i’ll watch “chocolate city 2” at home.
lets hope this one comes with some sex scenes.
i mean really?the movie also stars keith carlos (oh god yes!),
his gigantic penis,
robert ri’chard,
and michael “bolo” bolwaire.
chocolate city 2″ will be ready for your hidden folders in 2016.

lowkey: bolo also posted some good stuff:

Screen Shot 2015-12-06 at 12.22.06 AM…um.
who is bolo fuckin?
does he have any dick reports on file?

pictures taken: willie taylor | bolo
follow the hashtag ( #chocolatecitymovie2 ) for more updates

17 thoughts on “Who Is Ready For Another “Chocolate City” Movie?

  1. I was shocked when I heard that part 2 is coming out. The first chocolate city was awful. Bolo should be the star. He has the best body,handsome and has all the moves. Tyson Beckford was the only one that showed ass. They better show more body and have better dance moves,lol.

  2. Not unless they showing dick or ass. The white ppl’s version with Michael Stringham Was much better

  3. I read an article that stated that while the movie was a flop at the box office, the ratings it garnered on BET were VERY impressive. So impressive, a sequel was green lit. It’s also on the Netflix DVD subscription plan.

  4. Who asked for this????????????

    They better show some ass at least. Give us a reason to endure the shitty plot.

  5. I have to applaud for them. No really because the first movie was an epic fail that only made a few thousand in theatre which force them to be on B.E.T. and now they are doing the Empire move with all the cameos. And the filmmaker somehow got the budget to create part 2 even when the first one barely made any money. That’s deserve a standing ovation. Plus they’re smart to be using instagram as a free advertisement, save money on marketing and advertising so it’s free publicity. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  6. Willie is a great looking dude, but that Bolo does it for me every time that man is the truth. Darrin is also okay but not feeling the other dudes sorry where is Michael Jai White at he’s defintely a dilf.

    1. @Eric….Bolo put all those guys to shame in that movie. His movements made you wonder what it would be like if he was bangin you silly!! LMAO
      Willie is definitely a hottie. Was always my favorite member of Day26, even when they were putting the group together on the show, he had me under his spell. LOL

      1. Christian I wish he was banging me silly right now.. The funny thing is I never really paid that much attention to Willie even though he is very attractive..I’m not really into the pretty boy dudes.

  7. I’m down, I just hope there is so,e sex scenes, like you said. I also wanna see some more booty, seemed like they was scared to show some ass last time.

  8. I’m surprised this is happening, I didn’t think the first one did well enough for a sequel๐Ÿค”. Oh well more hip action and oiled up fine black men is a yes in my book.

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