when work wolf isn’t work wolf

Would you settle for the knockoff version of something instead of the original?

earlier today,
i was at dunkin,
indulging in my usual iced coffee.
it was one of those “i deserve!” days.
while i was casually scrolling through my phone,
i heard this deep and low voice behind me.

“Can you add caramel to this coffee,

it sounded like work wolf

i froze.

i hadn’t seen him in years.
my brain flooded with questions:

“Do I say something?”
“Do i pretend i didn’t hear?”
“What if I turn around and he looks at me like I’m a stranger?”

thank God i dressed cute so it was a good “see or be seen” kind of day.
when i turned around…

there he was…

it wasn’t him.

it was someone who looked just like him.
same vibe but a darker complexion and a full tattoo sleeve.
this one was thicker but his energy was just like WW.
it was like WW 2.0,
the upgraded model.

Only thing is it was Cop Wolf.

…and i have to admit,
i was…

WW’s voice always made me horny.
a wise vixen from my past once warned me to avoid cops.
even though i wanted to continue looking at this wolf.
i grabbed my iced coffee and left,
leaving this other version behind me.
he was fine tho.

i had to wonder:

If that was WW and he was excited to see me,
would I have been open to reconnecting?

…or in this new and healed jamari,
would i have kept it cordial and left the past behind me?

1 thought on “when work wolf isn’t work wolf

  1. I know a gay Black cop but avoid him because yeah. Cops, Military, firefighters…are usually mentally ill, abusive and have issues with wanting total control/authority/power.

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