how basic do all these vixens look?
regine looks…
so the super trailer for “real housewives of atlanta” season 8 is out.
take a look and we’ll talk…
.i was kinda…
its not even with/without moose.
i’m glad her loud ass is out to pasture.
they just doing the same shit.
going to events.
acting fake with each other.
nothing has really changed with these vixens.
i do wanna know what sheree has been up to tho.
other than that: yawn.
my reality show ban still continues.
will the foxhole be tuning in?
lowkey: regine: seems down to earth
porsha: why is this still happening?
kenya: same ol same ol
phaedra: still trying to make fetch happen
cynthia: she ain’t giving up that peach without a fight
kandi: her tear ducts need their own contract
peter: when will they give the real star his peach?
They coulda gotten Maxine Shaw for all that boredom. And Peter is a star. I just know his old Catdaddy ass fucks Cynthia down. And lastly, Sheree will bring the bullshit. Delusional ass.
They all look pretty to me rather than basic. Porsha has a sickening body, coke bottle shape and all.
Even the photo is boring without Nene
I’m gonna miss Nene! I love her so much lmao. Most people cannot stand her but I understand her personality. I think its a Sagittarius thing lol.
Figured kim fields was sitting pretty with those living single and facts of life syndication checks coming in. Guess not. Havent watched this show in a while anyway.
Nene may make for alright tv but she seems like a very toxic person
I doubt she’s struggling financially. I think it’s more about exposure. She’s been directing as of late so this is probably about bringing publicity to the things she’s doing.
Still said that talented black actresses have to resort to reality tv with a bunch of people that desire to be legitimate actors just to get exposure.
Yea, I am still HERE for the foolery lol. A few story lines are new tho. Peter’s cheating scandal, Kandi’s pregnancy, and possibly Phaedra moving on to a new man. The drama is not missing without Nene.
Kim Fields looked awful at the end of the video. WTF was up with her hair?
Here, here! I’m still tuning for the train-wreck next month. This show has always been an ensemble and one person (Bye Nene!) does not make or break RHOA. New cast members will always come and go but the foundation are the story lines.
LOVE Kim Fields so that will be interesting. I’m salivating over Sheree ‘Who Gon Check Me Boo’s return! Love the expanded role Porsha will have again b/c she provokes drama. Kandi is the glue that provides a normalcy to help balance the craziness. Cynthia is still miserable. No thoughts on Kenya/Phaedra lol
No Tootie No! Why did you go over to the darkside, I guess the bills aint gone pay themselves. I havent watch this in a couple of years and its no need to start back from the looks of it. I am glad that the loud mouth ratchet moose has been set free. Damn Tootie is giving us NFL Linebacker realness in that dress and pose. Kandi, Phaedra and Kim looked like they snatched up the last good deals on the clearance rack at Rainbows. She by Sheree must didnt have any samples left in the collection to style this cast photo. I see they are pulling out all of the stops to replace Moose. I wish them well and hope they are just as successful for no other reason than to make her eat a piece of humble pie. I really cant even believe that these shows still have a shelf life after so many years.
^im so dead at nfl linebacker.
I’m glad regine at least reason comes off looking normal on the trailer, I’m hoping she doesn’t get turns for tv. I haven’t really watch this series and I don’t have a reason to start but we’ll see.
^dont start.
if you do,
watch the first season.
Hate it or love it, NeNe brought the witty and hilarious commentary that NONE of these women have. They need someone just as sassy and quick as NeNe to keep the show’s momentum going.
she def gonna be on one if this season bombs.