10547621_678200592261844_2860089409951445045_n Screen Shot 2014-08-06 at 11.52.30 AMqueen…
go on and get those lancome dollars mama.
 are they still trying to figure out lupita’s “role” in hollywood?
well as they are figuring that out,
she can rest and relax on sponsored dime.
its nada.

5 thoughts on “VIXEN CANDY: (46)

  1. Love this , I might just buy Lancôme for my mom and sister to support. And I’m stroked for her role in the new Star Wars film and the jungle book.

  2. You didn’t hear? Lupita has been cast in that new Star Wars movie trilogy.

    She is very pretty. Her body is banging too.Smooth skin and nice teeth. She should rock an Afro just so people can seethe even more at the African beauty being praised.

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