while all the national headlines are on gabby petito,
who was murdered by her missing hyena,
brian laundrie,
there was another story going on as well.
miya marcano wasn’t on the same center stage as gabby.
i’m literally hearing about this case today.
that tends to be the story for most missing black girls.
she was a 19-year-old college student from florida who went missing on september 24th.
her search came to a sad end today…
Authorities say they have found the body of a missing Florida college student who disappeared a week ago.
Orange County Sheriff John Mina said Saturday that authorities found Miya Marcano’s body near an apartment building. The 19-year-old vanished on the same day a maintenance man improperly used a master key to enter her apartment. Her family reported her missing after she missed a flight home to South Florida on Sept. 24.
The sheriff previously said Armando Caballero, a maintenance worker at the apartment complex where Marcano lived and worked, is considered the “prime suspect.” Caballero, 27, apparently killed himself; his body was found three days after Marcano was last seen.
Authorities said Marcano had repeatedly “rebuffed” romantic advances by Caballero. Detectives spoke to Caballero after the Valencia College student was reported missing, but had no evidence to detain him at that time. They obtained a warrant for his arrest after learning he had entered her apartment before she disappeared. His body was then found inside a garage.
“At this time, we cannot identify a cause of death, so I don’t’ want to speculate on that,” Mina said of Marcano’s death during a news conference Saturday.
this is such horrible news.
this is what armando’s brother wrote about the situation on facebook:
can someone transcribe that hood gibberish?
i’m having trouble understanding wtf he is even fonting about.
i have been doing some reading about what lead up to gabby’s end.
since miya’s situation is so new,
she has invaded my thoughts as well.
one was being abused by her fiance:
if you watch her body language in the video,
all of the signs that there was a problem were there.
from what i’m reading about miya,
another hyena couldn’t take no for an answer.
both of these situations have started a lot of conversations online.
it’s interesting to hear what vixens actually go through with other males.
even my own friends have/had stories of abuse as well.
i’m attracted to other males gay but i’ll be 100 with you:
I don’t trust most males tbh.
i’ve seen firsthand what some males are capable of with other males and vixens.
if you look good,
forget it.
they’ll try to fuck with your self-esteem so they can control you.
if some of them aren’t trying to abuse you while putting on a facade of this “nice guy”,
others feel this privilege to your body or energy.
Have you seen how some of the males in my comment box act/have acted towards me?
Some have had mad hostility for no reason.
Legit showing me how abusive they are to a complete stranger.
Sometimes I wonder if there is a legit psychopath behind their screen names.
it isn’t until you say no or fight back is when you see the real demon behind the mask.
you just never know with some of these dudes and i feel like you always gotta be on alert.
The first red flag of “something ain’t right” should be the last.
gabby went back after all the red flags she confused with love.
miya seems like she took action but unfortunately,
it was too late.
i see why some of these vixens are mean af in public.
they gotta be!
as funny as “ima let him ruin my life” is,
that shit ends up not being a joke once a demon actually emerges.
i hope gabby and miya can rest peacefully and get justice for their senseless murders.
lowkey: we need to really start discussing what abuse looks like.
ghosting and gaslighting are legit abusive actions we tend to brush under the table.
article: npr
There’s some hashtag on Twitter about how women never know what will happen when they refuse a dude, like it’s so dangerous and you never know… But if you don’t refuse him n give him the benefit of the doubt, THAT could end up being your fatal mistake too… It’s fucked to. Anyway the hashtag I think was #womenwhorefuse or #whenwomenrefuse or something but it’s crazy all the story.
J, add the hobosexual/bagsexuals to the list. Those crazy mofos don’t want to lose their “good thing” so they will go to great lengths to protect that. They can be violent as well.
Jamari I’m with u I don’t trust men either .. it’s something I’ve felt since I was a kid and my dad would ask me why I never played with other boys. I had male cousins and some male friends but on average for every 1 male acquaintance I have I typically have 4 girl friends . They do struggle with “no” and consent and I’ve been in situations guys didn’t like me or had animosity bc I’m cool with a lot of “bad bitches” it’s like they innately see me as a cock block bc I’m protecting my girls
This is so sad how many women are killed at the hands of men I’m always watching 2020 and it makes me paranoid and on attack mode 247
He was fine as fuck so idk why he would be upset that he couldn’t pull her. Men are legit crazy
Was he???
So the coward known he was heading for jail and killed himself. That’s so unfortunate. That family will need counseling for years because they’ll feel robbed of true justice.
^ it really leads to no closure for the victims family and loved ones.
it shows what a coward they truly are.
hell isn’t hot enough for these demons.
Regarding Maya when I read about the maintenance man a few days ago I Googled women attacked or killed by men after rejecting their romantic advances.There are countless news stories about women stabbed,shot,killed for saying they are not interested,they don’t want to dance,etc..That’s a fear I and many women have. Fortunately I’ve only been cursed out too many times to count for saying “no” or “no thank you”,I’ve never been threatened or attacked.
There is a quote, “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them.Women are afraid that men will kill them.” That is definitely one of my fears.
These women were so young,had so much more life too live.
RIP Miya
RIP Gabby
^ exactly yc.
it’s not a game out here.
it’s such a shame these poor girls were killed so young.
please protect yourself out here!
it’s truly not a game.
Basically the brother was saying Armando could get any female he wanted, cause he worked in maintenance and had money so the young lady “MUST” have wanted him too when she saw him
and basically his death was a “setup” Now I understand the brother is stricken with grief so I won’t go hard on him, but looking at that young lady’s pic above, she was absolutely gorgeous (and that’s coming from a gay man) so I’m SURE Armando was damn near obsessed with her and couldn’t take no for an answer, Armando may have been able to pull many females but he couldn’t pull THAT female and that’s what cause him to snap smh
^thanks for the breakdown.
this is absolutely horrifying and i worry about my female friends with these raggamuffins out here.
it’s absolutely disgusting how entitled some males are.