the bisexual kangs are about to be in style heavy?

Bisexual menz,
it’s your time!

there are a lot of bi males out here looking for a home.
the days when bi males were treated like the lowest on the totem pole,
especially by vixens and gays,
are about to be in style.
who was on the short lived show “rap shit“,
made a public service announcement that the bi males are where it’s at.

it even got scrappy to chime in with a cosign?…

i’ve been fonting this about our bi kangs for quite some time.
shittttttttt i feel like…

Many DL males are bi.
Many males will identify as straight but there is just ONE male in their life that butters their biscuits.
Many of us Foxholers have all been that male atp or another.

many are physically attracted to males but emotionally attracted to vixens.
so they marry/partner up with vixens but hunt for the flesh of sin for 10pm to 3am entertainment.
not only that,
many of them tend to be sexy af too.

even though i feel like many vixens will NOT be wit it:

There are others who are about to be flooding the gay clubs,

and Fire Island on Memorial Day weekend for their next partner/husband.

maybe we should jump on the bi train before it leaves the station?

lowkey: imagine the new relationship:
a throuple with you,

your manz,
and a vixen.
you down?

3 thoughts on “the bisexual kangs are about to be in style heavy?

  1. Been there done that. But I have a friend who’s man is bi and they are happy as a pig in slop so 💁🏾‍♂️ to each his, her, their own.

  2. Foxxy, when I lived in Atlanta, I met this fine ass man , we had sex before he told me about his wife and newborn. It was fun for a while, then it became too exhausting. The sex was good though.

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