so about that kevin portillo interview i was so hype about

so i want to apologize to the foxhole.
this might be my fault opening my big fingers tho.
when i get excited about something big for the foxhole,
i want the forests to know.
so this is in regards to kevin portillo

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it’s 10:30pm, do you know where jamari fox is?

…just getting home,
that’s where.
i’ve been working some long ass hours these last 2 days.
ima have to turn into bed in a few because i’m tired af,
but i just wanted to font

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the bugs may get you

if you look closely,
you’ll always find a lesson in something.
these days,
my job teaches me so much of not WHAT to do.
they love to drive folks crazy putting out fires that ain’t even happen yet.
i’m learning what it means to be uptight and high-strung.
i’ve noticed my mood has been all outta wack because of my frustration.
it has made me become pessimistic and angry all the fuckin’ time.
they remind me of how “putting out potential firesmy late mother was.
my mother was notorious for worrying about shit that ain’t happen.
i worked really hard to get outta that mentality and my boss is like that.

I don’t fuck with that at all

i’m on this new path to being more laid back and chill about shit.
so i caught myself being nervous and putting out a fire about bugs…

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am i gonna be better before my birthday this weekend?

when you make plans; God laughs.
i’m sure he got a hearty chuckle over monday’s antics.
so as you know,
a fox may have had food poisoning.
it felt like it,
an update on how i’m feeling tho…

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so we have an update on muhlaysia booker (rip)

so remember trans vixen,
muhlaysia booker,
who was beaten so savagely in the streets?
( x see the entry here )
the story for her didn’t end well.
a foxholer sent me the update via “fox 4“…
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the verdict in the murder of harry uzoka

so remember that past story about the late model,
harry uzoka?
he was the one who was murdered by modelling jackal,
george koh.
( x we fonted about it in a past entry )
a foxholer sent me george’s fate recently.
this is the outcome via new york post

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