Trump Gets An “A” For All His Hard Work

so it has been 60 days since cheeto man,
has been in office.
i refuse to call him “president”.
as far as i’m concerned,
president obama still holds that title.

we have seen every single fail and tweet.
has he even had a win?
well cnn got some of his biggest supporters together to grade him.
this is what they had to say…
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“You Won’t Be Allowed Here Anymore” (What?)

things are getting weird around here.
i feel like it’s time to be on high alert.
 the following news was brought to my attention and welll..
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Let’s Have Melania Trump Pray Our Sins Away

i always like to start off my day with a prayer to the Lord.
i thankful for waking up to see another day,
protection throughout,
and for my enemies to be my footstools.
you know,
the usual.
it always just flows out of my mouth as i say it.
so melania trump started off a florida rally in prayer yesterday.
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I Just Wanted To Do Hoodrat Shit With My Friends (61)

tumblr_m45cbkaexs1r4yegro1_5001it’s like everyone who voted for trump is screaming it to the high heavens.
it’s bad enough when those i know voted for him.
if you are someone of color,
it makes me look at you with more than a side eye.
so this snow she hyena in a chicago store also wanted to scream it to the high heavens.
she also wanted to let everyone know she was being discriminated against
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The Day After Yesterday

1fa6d96a3803bc11c15a383b33335c1fthe day started off pretty gloomy.
the weather didn’t help either.
first of all,
i did not sleep last night.
i was up every two seconds watching coverage of the shit show.
hillary had my vote even tho i wasn’t too keen on her.
it was better than trump,
but my foxy senses told me a few weeks ago that he would win.
after like 230am or so,
i finally shut it all down and attempt to sleep.
i woke up tired af,
but when i immediately opened my social medias.
the winner was the first thing i saw.
this is when i went to the foxhole
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Stacey Dash Wants To Take Out The President For Trump


Screen Shot 2016-07-09 at 10.26.09 PMsquatters tho?
“got your back?”
she should know trump ain’t even gonna listen to her with that ghetto girl talk.
i keep asking myself when it comes to stacey dash if it has really come to this?
she is trying way too hard,
but i guess if it pays the bills and keeps her semi-relevant.
sadly she will be a joke after this is all said and done.

lowkey: michelle looks like she would work her out.
stacey don’t want it.