Jiffy Pop

I was lurking over @ my guilty pleasure, DG Source

(sends a shout out)

when I came across a sight for sore eyes.

… and sore eyes cause I was damn near about to cry.

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F0x Asks: Top or Tails?

I caught this wonderful view over at Sir Yellow Bone.
(*winks* to my homie on that site)

So Foxes,
let’s play a game….

Which one do you think belongs to the TOP?

F0x Asks: Security HARD

I always found security guards attarctive.

I always pictured them in my mind,
tackling some crook,
pinning him to the floor,
pulling his dick out and…

Wait, that’s my fantasy.

Continue reading “F0x Asks: Security HARD”

Meat Of The Minute: Bret Lockett

I would LOVE to be in the middle of that Sex Sandwich.

Continue reading “Meat Of The Minute: Bret Lockett”

Baller Bottoms UP.

You know I love a fine football player.

I mean,
if you are a faithful reader, you should already know who my TOP Wolf is.
(and btw, my TOP Wolf has alot of admirers these days. Kudos baby…)

But as of late,
I am getting word that alot of these ballers are bottoms.
Getting tackled in their tight ends on and off the field.
I must say,
it has me feeling rather…. confused.

Continue reading “Baller Bottoms UP.”

A Fox or A Wolf?

There is a guy at my job that I would mess with in a heartbeat, besides Mr. Attitude.
BTW: Mr. Attitude is giving me all the right attitude as of late.

He is tall, nice toned body, caramel complected, and has a nice handsome face.
All the girls go crazy over him next to me.

… but I think he is a bottom….

Does this mean I am a lesbian of some sort?

Continue reading “A Fox or A Wolf?”