Keith Carlos Can’t Fit?

Screen Shot 2016-06-25 at 2.37.53 AMi enjoy keith carlos,
oh so much.
his social medias are a real treat.
well when he posted this
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Give The Food to Kanye and Let Him Hold It

300986_originalkanye west is so desperate.
so an f-bi sent me this video,
and like kanye in the video i watched,
i had to cringe.
we all know kanye is obsessed with trying to be accepted in the fashion circle.
they are “the cool kids” to his “dork eating in the bathroom stall for lunch”.
don’t even get me started on his “fashion lines”.
well kim kardashian put up a snap of kanye,
in the backseat of a car,
holding a plate of ribs and fries for peter dundas,
the designer to roberto cavalli
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One Snaps and A Suicide


snapchat is the new wave.
if you live under a rock,
snapchat is another social media service for your roster.
it uses images and short pictures to show your life “behind the scenes”.
after 24 hours,
the story is ghost and you start fresh with new updates.
the animals think because a story is erased,
they can do all kind of ratchet shit with no evidence left.
well the ex wolf of this 15 year old vixen thought he was getting revenge.
her supposed “friends” started it.
what he did was cause her to commit suicide via the daily beast
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The “George Hill” Mega Leakage Drop


when did attentionisto extraordinaire,
george hill,
start getting semi naked?
i mean look at these gifs/videos

not for “straight” eyes


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Do You Think Hakeem Got Sum “Drip Drop (Drip Drippity Drop)”?

Screen Shot 2016-05-30 at 4.31.38 PMit’s pretty obvious hakeem,
aka bryshere y. gray,
is getting non stop pussy off his fame from empire.
he uploaded this video on snap chat and unless…
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DeVane Gives Us A Shirtless Update

tumblr_o7wzdseSwJ1ucc7xho1_1280remember ( x devane )?
i did a few posts on him way back when.
he is the jamaican wolf from florida that has the vixens hot in the panties.
foxhole fav.
i wonder what he has been up to?
he graduated from college and has a full time job now.
why am i shocked he has no cubs?
vixens: why don’t we have a dick report on file for this one?

lowkey: i like to see the past wolves doing good.
keep it up.