Tag: shut down
myvidster is now novidster

Beyonce’s internet just took another loss.
I don’t think I’ve felt this sad since King Nate left OF.
I’m still fuckin’ vex about that BTDUBS.
this news is like that FWB who knew exactly how to please your bawdy right,
only to cut you off without warning when you were horny AF and needed it ASAP.
“TF you mean you’re getting married and going to be faithful?

the underground goldmine of good videos…
Is Team Breezy Starting To Look For An Exit?
it’s bad when your own fans start to banish you.
team breezy is starting to wake up.
^so that was from a fan tumblr site of chris brown called “dickstopher”.
they updated daily with all chris brown everything.
after these recent allegations,
they are shutting it down…
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So Ya’ll Shut Marvin Bienaime IG Down? (F-Bi?)
so i decided to check marvin biename ig annnnndddddd…
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The Foxhole Was Shut Down
i didn’t know how much the foxhole meant to me until it was suspended today.
so i was at work and my phone starts blowing up…
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Bad News (For My Werewolves)
sit down.
this is going to be a doozy.
this is for my porn ratchets out there.
i woke up to this email this morning…
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When Diddy Burns Your Forest Down
in every forest,
there is a hierarchy of animals you may not be able to cross.
that just depends where your power lies.
as bloggers like myself,
we are only as good as the stories we put out.
the best stories can send shock waves and bring attention.
that’s how you can get all the animals to keep visiting.
well diddy is one animal who doesn’t play about his cubs.
as you know,
justin combs was the target of some vicious rumors this past week.
“industry on blast” and “fameolous”,
two mainly gossip blogs that broke the stories,
learned the power of what a higher animal can do.
check what was the outcome via sandra rose…
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