the hardest sh!t i ever had to deal with

So some shit happened…

as you know,
i have no problem being transparent with the Foxhole.

for those who have been following since the beginning,
you know i have shared my own shit with ya’ll.
you guys have shared so many personal things with me.

I’m grateful that ya’ll have allowed me to be ugly and admit some of my dumbest shit.

the following happened yesterday and tbh,
it really fucked up my plans to spend some time within The Foxhole.
the following is gonna be TMI and it might be gross to some…

Continue reading “the hardest sh!t i ever had to deal with”

“ya’ll killin’ me with this sh!t,” my toilet said.

 2023 has been literal shit,
and the word “shit” is an upcoming foreshadow in this entry,
i haven’t been handling challenges as well as i should.
shit hit the fan.
so i woke up,
and well this is tmi,
but i needed to drop the brown kids off at the pool.
don’t judge!

we all take dumps here and it’s healthy that you do it regularly.
my goal was to do that and after:

Take a shower
Make breakfast
Start my day of getting on the grind

after i log an entry,
my toilet decides to overflow under me and…

Continue reading ““ya’ll killin’ me with this sh!t,” my toilet said.”

don’t start sh*t if you have to take a sh*t!

when you’re about to fight,
the last thing you’re thinking about is taking a shit.
you’re trying to see how your opponet is going to strike first.
you’re not squeezing your butt cheeks tight until the fight is over.
you gotta swing,
and clench your bottom at the same time.
a foxholer sent me a video of someone who had to fight but their doo doo

Continue reading “don’t start sh*t if you have to take a sh*t!”

update: imagine getting peed and sh*tted on by someone off grindr?

i love happy endings.
i love when the villains who did the innocent wrong get their comeupance.
it’s like the feeling we got when scar got killed by the hyenas in “the lion king”.
“die for killing mufasa,
you hoe!”

i love when real-life hyenas get jail time for all the havoc they caused while being free.
remember the 4 hyenas who were robbing and humiliating gay males in texas?
they were using the app,
to cause chaos.
at one point,
they wiped one of the gay males with urine and shit.
( x this story was extremely disturbing )
 they were all sentenced last week and…

Continue reading “update: imagine getting peed and sh*tted on by someone off grindr?”

so ya’ll out here with shit in yo drawz because it’s normal for men?

cc: thearsevase

the pretty vixen and i were having a conversation about males the other day.
we said a lot of shit,
but she said the following:

“Males are actually really gross.”

that statement can be true for some.
back in the day,
this one wolf told me how he hated eating my home fox groceries.
“he always has dingle berries stuck to his ass hair.”
my home wolf told me the other day he had a vixen suck his dick after a day of not showering.
he said his balls was extra ripe,
but she did it anyway.
a vix-bi sent me the following tweet and i nearly gagged

Continue reading “so ya’ll out here with shit in yo drawz because it’s normal for men?”

odell beckham jr might be wit the shits (i mean that exactly how it sounds too)

odell beckham jr might be super nasty in bed.
i’m being dead serious right now too.
now for some,
nasty means doing all kind of freaky shit.

Being tied up
Bringing the entire refrigerator in bed
Dressing up as a baby and being spanked

you know,
the usual shit.
for odell,
that allegedly includes being shitted on as well.

i know.
well celina powell and friends had a discussion about odell’s alleged shitty ways…
Continue reading “odell beckham jr might be wit the shits (i mean that exactly how it sounds too)”