Tag: season finale
now i know house of the dragon ain’t trying to abuse us too?

i can font you we still feel utterly gaslit and abused with game of thrones.
the way they ended that show?
what were they thinking?
i’m still get night terrors thinking about it.
we were all hesitant about giving ‘house of the dragon’ a chance.
after hearing the showrunners from GOT were banished,
they gave us a glimmer of hope but with low expectations.
First season?
Knocked it out of the park.
it had a few flubs,
but nothing we couldn’t overlook.
we were excited for the second season.
this season had a couple of great scenes leading up to the season finale,
teasing us of war and a big show down and…
everyone loves a good season finale
season finales.
when a good tv show ends,
the season finale is usually poppin’.
it ends on a note that has us like:
it’s friendships having rough patches,
someone cheating,
or a main character getting killed off.
so next season,
we will be invested in where the remaining characters go with the storyline.
Since we are stars in our own stories,
it left me to wonder…
so i watched the “lovecraft country” season finale and well…
“lovecraft country” was an experience.
i’ve been blown away with this series.
i’m sure i got almost everyone i know into it,
even though explaining what the show was about was hard af.
its about aliens,
and white vixens shedding skin into black vixens!
It’s so dope!
You gotta check it out!”
uh huh.
tonight was the season finale and well…
( with spoilers )…
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so i watched the season 4 finale of “insecure” and, uh, well…
this was my exact fact after the “insecure” season finale last night.
i think i babbled “wtf was that?” as well.
no seriously…
WTF was that?
when i look back at season 1 of that show,
you can tell the writing was a vastly different up until now.
i have a few thoughts…
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so…uh, that was… it? (insecure)
*kinda spoiler heavy
i love insecure,
you know i do.
it’s the only show that i relate with real heavy.
one that i tell everyone from the mountain tops,
but tonight’s season finale for season 3…
So I Finally Watched The “Queen Sugar” Season Finale and Well…
i love this.
one of my favorite casts.
the secrets we keep from those we love can ruin them.
from a real life perspective,
i don’t know how darla thought that secret would work out for her.
i’m talking about “queen sugar”.
Continue reading “So I Finally Watched The “Queen Sugar” Season Finale and Well…” →
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