The Best Dick He Ever Had

I did it again.
I feel like I’m on the set of a Britney Spears world tour.
I found myself caught up in a mental cobweb.

And for whatever reason, this particular spider made one that was hard to get out of.

Continue reading “The Best Dick He Ever Had”

When It’s Over… Fuck Him.

The Champ is here!
Currently un-defeated!


Do you know when something is done?
Like when a tv show is losing steam?
Someone’s career has fallen off?
You have no money in your wallet but you still want to shop?

Ok the last one is a bad example but…

Do you know when you need to STOP?

Continue reading “When It’s Over… Fuck Him.”

Foxy Lifestyle: NO BOYS ALLOWED.

Would you date him?
If you said “YES”….

Continue reading “Foxy Lifestyle: NO BOYS ALLOWED.”


THIS is Fox Talk ONLY.

You ever look in the mirror and cringed when you saw yourself?
You thought you were ugly or just a monster (and not Kanye)?
You could not understand why someone like you was single?

I hear a lot of my Foxes out there saying they are ugly.
ALOT of Foxes have very low self-esteem even though they have the brightest fur.

Well this is for you…

Continue reading “FOXY LIFESTYLE: “U SHO’ IS UGLY””

X Marks The Fox: Pipin’, Pain, and Pleasure

Is this cutie ALLEGEDLY going Bottoms Up for a potential Song-Wolf? 

Or, is it the other way around?…

Continue reading “X Marks The Fox: Pipin’, Pain, and Pleasure”

Shit In The Air (Nigga Duck!)

Story time!
Gather round!

Once upon a time,
there were 2 Foxes who grew up together.

They were the best of friends who did everything (well almost everything) together.
They vowed that they would have each others back
thru the good times and the bad…

… that is,
until one Fox started getting steady dick downs and his brain squeezed thru his ears.

Continue reading “Shit In The Air (Nigga Duck!)”