Russell Westbrook Doesn’t Want You Penis To Suffocate

no its not what you think.
russell westbrook just wants your sac to have space in your drawz.
he’s the new creative designer to kings and jaxs high end underwear line.
check out some shots from the underwear’s campaign…
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Russell Westbrook Should Never Dance When He’s Bored

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besides killin’ the game with his fashion sense,
and being called “sasha fierce” by kevin durant ( x see here ),
russell westbrook also thinks he’s an exceptional dancer.
being on injury brings out the boredom in people?
judging from this recent instagram video of him being bored,
do you think so?

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Serge Ibaka Says, “Cheese!”

ya’ll know serge is no stranger to the foxhole:

tumblr_ml83iahiJ41qe3tdoo1_500someone get me an id on that bag!!!
well you know i had to show you serge’s new photo shoot pics

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Russell Westbrook is Sasha Fierce (A Whole Lotta Baller Wolf)

tumblr_mkt1yzUOGN1qb6vamo1_r1_500an f-bi just sent this to me and i had to post this ASAP

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Does Serge Ibaka Have An Anaconda In His Sweats?…

…or is he happy to see me?
i want to say keri hilson won a little bit.
sure she is the running joke amongst town hall crazy beyonce stan meetings,
where they plot more ways to look crazy,
but she managed to capture this



…to comfort her from all the crazy stan abuse and buy her pretty things.
ย keri can we pow wow for a sec.
is this picture fact or fiction?…

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Russell Westbrook Thinks Ya’ll Ninjas Is Trippin’

i love this.
russell ain’t got time for the foolishness.

an interview learned the hard way a couple days ago.
i bet they won’t ask russell no stupid questions ever again…

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