hey Foxhole, wake up, the alleged pipe leakage of the assassin dropped

…allegedly fonting,
of course.

do you see that facial?
those eyebrows?
that hair?

who would have thought that would be what the “the adjuster” looked like?

with the following alleged pipe leakage that an F-BI sent me,
was he packing another weapon somewhere else too

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forever_mistah gets some alleged pipe leakage?


*the following entry is rated X
Viewer discretion is strongly advised

foreva_mistah is one wolf that everyone wanted to smash before his newfound fame.
from the dancing videos to the inspirational messages,
not to mention his fit ass bawdy of his


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he was on everyone’s most-wanted list.

from what i know of him,
he has been very private about how he moved on socials.
it was hard to get any info about him,
but it seems he is getting sloppy as of late.
i’ve never had this many allegedly stories landing on my desk him.
his nudes randomly leaked for review...

Continue reading “forever_mistah gets some alleged pipe leakage?”

ryan phillippe gets some alleged pipe leakage?

*the following entry is rated ma.
viewer discretion is strongly advised.

the first time i saw ryan phillippe,
it was in “i know what you did last summer“.
i thought he was theeeee finest white wolf i had ever seen.
after that,
he was in one of my favorite movies,
cruel intentions.
he has the ripest bottom lip and tail on a white wolf.
last week,
i was randomly looking at interviews with him on youtube.
this week,
i’m looking at his alleged nudes that leaked…

Continue reading “ryan phillippe gets some alleged pipe leakage?”

charlie gets some alleged pipe leakage? (join me on lust island usa)

charlie is so dreamy but he comes off really dry.
that can be all an act tho.
i’ve met wolves who were dry af,
but once they got comfortable:

you’ll be like:

And When?”

 it seems charlie isn’t as dry as we’d assume.
he seems to have gotten some alleged pipe leakage from an alleged baiter.
a twitter account has some alleged pipe leakage of charlie…

Continue reading “charlie gets some alleged pipe leakage? (join me on lust island usa)”

blind item: let’s dance into this potential scandal?

you know i love a good blind item.
the f-bi has been buzzing about this alleged story.
i received the following pictures anddddddddd….
so it’s about a famous gay couple who has been dancing their way into our hearts.
it seems like we might be able to two-step into their alleged bedroom because…

Continue reading “blind item: let’s dance into this potential scandal?”

did greg ym allegedly get some leaked pipe leakage?

greg ym is not having a great 2020.
first he opened his mouth and removed all doubt.
( x see that here )
now he allegedly got caught up with his pipe in his hands.
a foxholer sent this to me in dms:

well these are the alleged screen shots

Continue reading “did greg ym allegedly get some leaked pipe leakage?”